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Minnesota Governor’s Race: The Walz Flanagan Ticket

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

OPINION PIECE: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of Her Campus Agnes Scott.

An exciting pair of candidates have tossed their hats into the ring for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota — U.S. Representative Tim Walz and Minnesota state representative Peggy Flanagan. Both candidates have long histories of community involvement, and I particularly endorse representative Flanagan. She has represented my home district in St. Louis Park for the past two years and is a passionate advocate for the people she represents. Walz and Flanagan are focusing on how the partnering of their experiences can improve the lives of children in MN; effectively empower the voices of those most affected by public policy; support public resources; and protect the environment.

As Agnes Scott College students, we often hear the message that diversity is important. Flanaganā€™s story in her short time in the house is, to me, a perfect example of how diverse people taking action can have a strong effect on the law. I had a chance to see Flanagan, a citizen of the White Earth Nation of Ojibwe, speak this summer at the Native Governance Center’s 1st Annual Nation Building Celebration. Her experience as a native woman sparked her and other Minnesota Democrat legislators to found the People of Color and Indigenous (POCI) caucus, which inspects every piece of legislation that comes through the house with a particular eye to how it will affect indigenous communities and people of color. She also has a long history of working as a community organizer with the Children’s Defense Fund and Wellstone Action. If elected, Flanagan will be the first American Indian woman to serve as a state Lieutenant Governor.

Campaigns like that of Walz and Flanagan focused on representation and community involvement are important ways that voters can change the political landscape. Please visit WaltzFlanagan.org to learn more about them and support their cause. As the 2018 elections come around remember to learn about your local candidates and get out to vote!

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Audrey Goodnight

Agnes Scott '19

Audrey is a senior at Agnes Scott College majoring in math and minoring in music and spanish. When not studying they like to read, watch shows, play games, listen to music, and hang out with friends. Their favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. Audrey hails from Minnesota but is enjoying being out in the Georgia "winter." Their favorite animal is cats.
MeaResea is an alumna of Agnes Scott College where she majored in Economics and minored in Spanish. She recharted the HCASC chapter in the fall semester of 2016. She served as the Editor-in-Chief and President of Her Campus at Agnes Scott. Her favorite quote and words that she lives by are, "She believed she could, so she did." -Unknown http://meareseahomer.agnesscott.org/