March 8 of every year marks International Women’s Day, and by the time this article is published, the holiday will likely be over. However, it is not too late to learn about this iconic celebration of women. According to, this holiday has been an incredibly inclusive holiday traced back to its first International Women’s Day gathering in 1911. It is not exclusive to any country, group, or organization–even when the era hasn’t been as inclusive as today. This holiday is instead intended to uplift women of all races, sexualities, cultures, economic status, etc. International Women’s Day is not usually celebrated with gifts, food, or parades but instead just a day meant to simply respect and empower women.
In 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City against oppression and inequality. One year later, the first National Women’s Day was celebrated in the United States, and more countries have continued to add on over the years, gradually evolving the holiday into International Women’s Day. Along with this continued celebration, the world has seen extraordinary progress made in women’s rights. Most countries today grant women the right to vote and have laws against gender violence, such as domestic violence and sexual assault. Women today can be doctors, lawyers, artists, and CEOs. However, we still have a long way to go. The substantial wage gap still has yet to be closed and sexual harassment is still a serious problem in workplaces around the world. Additionally, feminists today must continue to make the fight for gender equality more intersectional. We cannot marginalize women of color, LGBTQ+ women and women in countries with more gender oppression.
I believe that the purpose of International Women’s Day is to appreciate all women. Leaving this celebration open allows for women from all walks of life, and even all gender identities, to participate. So next year, remember how far we have come, thank the women who came before you for getting us here and continue their work.