The time has finally come in the semester where all the hard work you have put in pays off. If you are so lucky that you do not have to take finals, take a break and relax. You deserve it. If you do have to take your class final, then buckle up for the longest two weeks of the semester. Dead week is notoriously known for having no class work, no exams, just studying endlessly in the library. It can be challenging to try to figure out how to balance studying for four or five exams in a single week. Something that is very important is to take breaks, and give your mind a mental reset. When it comes time to do so in your studying, here are five shows that you should watch!
Selling Sunset
The fifth season of the Netflix series just dropped on April 22. Enjoy seeing the biggest mansions in Los Angeles, tons of catfights, as well as the ups and downs of relationships? This show will keep you on the edge of your seat and making comments at your TV. If you have not seen this show yet, there are four other seasons to watch before your eyes are glued to your device.
The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On
The sister show to “Love Is Blind,” this Netflix show focuses on couples where one person has issued an ultimatum. One person wants to get engaged and married as soon as possible, whereas the other person needs more time or simply just doesn’t want to yet. If you can deal with secondhand embarrassment and a little bit of cringey, but also sweet moments, this show is a must watch.
Gossip Girl (2021)Â
Whether you watched Gossip Girl when it first came out or you have just finished watching the series, the 2021 Gossip Girl is a monumental series to watch. The show follows a group of teenagers who go to school at Constance, although this time the viewers know who Gossip Girl is from the start. There are twists and turns in every episode, which keep viewers on the edge of their seat. Even guest appearances with stars from the original series bring for an exciting season.
The Sex Lives Of College GirlsÂ
The first year of college with your roommates is a time in your life you will never forget. Four suitemates who go to Essex College are trying to figure out who they are but stumble into challenges along the way. From an affair with a soccer coach, to having a secret relationship with her roommate’s brother, you will be laughing while also learning about series topics.