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Video Game Development Club

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

Name of organization: The Video Game Development Club

What is the objective of your organization?

The objective of The Video Game Development Club is to promote interest in video game development, and to bring arts and computer science communities together to develop video games. In the pursuit of this objective, The Video Game Development Club will work to give students experiences and opportunities to learn and teach their peers, foster the video game development community at The University of Alabama, and educate students of all levels at The University of Alabama about the methods behind making video games.

What events do you plan to hold this semester/what is your next event? We plan on eventually holding game jams (short game-making events), and a showcase of the video games that we have made. Since we are a newer organization, we are still working on learning and building our first games. So the best way to get involved at this point is to come to the meetings.

During club meetings, part of the group focuses on learning different aspects of game development (programming, game engines, art programs, drawing, ect). The rest of the group forms into teams to work on their respective self directed projects. The Game Development Club is a place for programmers, game developers, and artists of all levels to learn the skills and be given a time and place to develop a portfolio of video games.

How can others get involved in your organization? Come to the meetings! We welcome people of all skill levels. Any writing, drawing, musical, or programming experience is appreciated.

What is your favorite part about your organization? (have members provide quotes, include their name, position if applicable, and year) Zach Babka, a senior and Vice President of the club says “I’d say I really like how relaxed the overall atmosphere is. Everyone’s extremely welcoming and genuinely wants to learn and improve.” 

For more information, please contact: The current president or officers at officers@thegamedevelopment.club. 

Social media handles: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevideogamedevelopmentclub/

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Helmi Henkin

Alabama '18

Helmi is a senior at The University of Alabama from Menlo Park, California studying psychology and French. She has been to 78 countries on seven continents! Her favorites are Finland (since that's where her family lives), Bali and Antarctica. When she's not in class or traveling she loves reading, singing and songwriting, and hanging out with friends.