The miracles of coconut oil
A lot of blogs, news and beauty bloggers had been talking about the use of coconut oil and recommending it for different uses. Who knew you could use coconut oil as a vitamin supplement for your pets and to even clean your wooden furniture? Unbelievable, I know. Well, for now I will share with you how I use coconut oil in my daily beauty routine and how it had even helped me with health issues. Keep on reading to discover how this fascinating nature given oil can help you too.
Collegiate, there’s not going to be an excuse to grow long, healthy, shiny and beautiful strong hair anymore. Between tight schedules and budget, we sometimes forget to give the love and care our hair deserves, well not anymore. You can use effectively coconut oil 1 to 2 times per week starting at the ends of your hair all the way up to the scalp, and you can pamper yourself with a short massage this too will stimulate the growth of your healthy locks. After soaking your hair in the coconut oil you can put a bath cap and sleep overnight with it for best results. The first time I used it I noticed the difference almost immediately I woke up to a much more shiny and soft hair, now weeks into the treatment people had even noticed how fast my hair has grown. It even helped me greatly with my psoriasis, contrary to what many other topical medicine couldn’t.
Have 1 tablespoon of pure virgin coconut oil before your first meal every day. It will work wonders I can assure you. If the thought of consuming pure oil doesn’t appeal you try putting on the fridge overnight its consistency will be like a butter and it will be much easier (and yummy!) to consume. Doing this will boost your metabolism helping you burn those extra calories from your visit to Starbucks last night. How exactly does it really work? Well, coconut oil is actually made up from “good” fat the one that won’t get storage away from our bodies causing us to gain weight like those found in junk food, that way is being used (the good fat) to work without body’s daily duties. But hey, remember to see results and changes in our bodies we need a consistency of 70% healthy eating and 30% exercise. We won’t get that dream body from just eating coconut oil! P.S thank you to my personal trainer for making me eat coconut oil before anything else.
Coconut oil on the other hand is anti-fungal too! (Can’t get enough of this miracle oil either) So if you suffer from athlete’s foot I got a solution for you. Athletes foot is a very common fungal infection in yes, you name it feet causing unstoppable itchiness, bad odor and damaging our nails. A great solution to heal this is to soak your feet into coconut oil and put some socks on overnight. By experience you will start to see and feel a difference after 5 to 7 days, but remember every case is different and if your problem persist I highly recommend you to visit a specialist.
Upgrade your moisturizer! It is highly recommended to substitute your moisturizer by just using pure coconut oil. My advice? Just mix 2-3 tablespoons of the oil with your favorite moisturizer and use it at least once a day. Skin so soft babies will be jealous.
Another way to use the coconut oil (aka the best oil ever discovered) is to clean up your make up brushes. This is important to do it at least once a week so it won’t clog up your pores or make you break out. Just dab the brushes into the oil and clean the excess with a paper towel. That way you can save up $$$ too in those expensive “special” soaps. No, no more trips to Sephora (well at least for now)
Lastly but not least, do you know who can help you with cellulite? Yes, you guessed that one right.  My favorite homemade scrub consists of 1 cup of granulated coffee, ½ cup of brown sugar and ½ cup of coconut oil this mix will last up to a month. The coffee and brown sugar will stimulate your blood circulation making the cellulite almost disappear, while the coconut oil will hydrate your skin leaving it incredibly soft.
*Tip do this after shaving your legs