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Some myths about psychology students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albizu chapter.

Psychology and mental health have been a very popular topic these past years and a highly selected major to study by a lot of people in the undergraduate or graduate level.  Many believe psychology is some recent science discovered, I don’t know, maybe 10 years ago? Psychology has actually been studied for many centuries, starting with old greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristoteles and its been increasing its rate in the employment area too. We gathered common misconceptions about us psychology students which we can all relate to.

Note: This article is not intended to offend anyone


1.  “Can you like, read what I’m thinking right now?”

  • No! I can’t read your mind.  I study human behavior, I don’t have a glass ball.

2.  “Psychology is an easy major.”

  • Remind me that again during my weekly all-nighters and in all the weekends I can’t go out, since I’m studying while you are out partying.


3. “You guys don’t even do that much research.”

  • All you know about depression, autism, ADHD and other disorders is thanks to our research.

4. “All psychology students are crazy and depressed.”

  • What is your scientific and statistical basis to this?


5. “Coming to you for relationship, friendship and family advice”.

  • Just no.  I’m just a student.

6. “You’ll never get a job”

  • I have enough knowledge to work in any type of industry.  We’re multifaceted.  


7. When someone close to you knows you are a psychology student: “So, when you finish your degree, you can analyze me and I can go to your office for free LOL.”

  • Um, first of all, not all psyhology majors will study Clinical Psychology.  Second of all, ethics won’t allow me to do that.  I can’t treat someone I know personally.

8.  There is so much more to study in psychology other than clinical psychology. We have industrial and organizational psychology, neuropsychology, school psychology, forensic and legal psychology, and the list goes on.  Don’t assume all psychology students are specializing in the same.


9.  No, not all of us use glasses.  Although, maybe the reason is because we have to read those 400 pages every week.

10.  We are just like you.


*Photo Courtesy by Pinterest

Yarilix Santos is a senior undergraduate student majoring in Psychology. She is a DCP fall intern 2016  and research assistant. Loves to read, write and travel. In her free time you can find her either searching for new places to eat at Old San Juan or in a near coffee shop. She plans to go to grad school and study Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Marcela Alvarez Alvarez is a 21-year-old psychology student at Albizu University located in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. She's the former Campus Correspondent and the founder of Her Campus Albizu. When she graduates, she plans to earn her doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Neuropsychology.  Marcela enjoys reading, listening to k-pop (korean pop music) and watching beauty videos on YouTube. One of her many goals is to start a lifestyle magazine focusing on beauty, fashion, and how it influences mental health.