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5 Fun Foods in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

A little pink never hurt anyone right? Her Campus already has a handle on representing the superb color of pink, but this month pink will be much more prominent in the community because October is Breast Cancer Awareness month! While wearing some form of pink everyday this month is great, here is another fun, creative way to raise awareness: food. Seems pretty simple right? But what better way to call attention to this disease that affects thousands of women than putting your baking skills to use and creating some fun and festive pink foods? Here are 5 pink foods in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month that are sure to raise awareness and your taste buds.

1. Cherry Lemonade Doughnuts

This fun twist on a classic doughnut will make you forget about those other sweets you already had today.

2. Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake Cupcakes

The name itself is enough to make anyone’s mouth water.

3. Pink Lemonade Popcorn

Popcorn mixed with pink lemonade frosting? What could be better?

4. Watermelon Sorbet

Pretty, dainty, and light. Perfect for an afternoon snack or a sweet dessert.

5. Pink Sugar Cookies

Let’s face it: Everything is prettier in pink and simple cookies are no exception.



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Taylor Dickey is a Sophomore at The Florida State University who is majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Hospitality Management. She hopes to work in the Fashion and/or Entertainment industry one day as a Public Relations Manager for a designer, an Art Director for a brand, or a Fashion Event Planner. She is interested and well-versed in Marketing & Communications, Social Media, Event Planning, Brand Management, and Graphic Design. Originally from Houston, Texas, Taylor loves fashion, baking, laughing, the beach, and doing anything creative. She dreams big, loves with all her heart, and has an obsession with Pinterest.