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5 Things To Know When Planning For The Future

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Everyone says that college is all about making the most out of your experiences at all times. Freshman year is where you make friends and gain independence. Sophomore year is where you dip your toes into the internship world. Junior year is for jobs and/or study abroad. By the time you get to senior year, you’ve got your whole life figured out and are ready to step out into the real world as soon as you graduate. So what happens when you don’t exactly follow that plan?

Picture this: You’re sitting with your friends talking about how stressed you are. You’ve got three papers due before the end of the week. It’s really the same old same old. Then one of your friends starts talking about how stressed she is about her new internship. Then your other friend says she’s feeling the same. Soon the conversation has switched, and all anyone is talking about is resumes, job interviews, and how bad it is that they don’t have summer plans yet. As always you sit there and stay quiet. Usually this is when the freak out starts.  


Luckily, there are things you can do to ease your mind and worries a little bit.

1. Know that it’s okay to freak out a little. It really is. The future is a scary thing, and anyone who tells you it isn’t is lying to you. It’s okay that you are a little late getting an internship. You don’t have to know what you are going to do two years from now, just start with what you are going to have for breakfast tomorrow morning. Take deep breaths and know that even the most put together people were in your shoes at one point. 

2. Make a plan with your advisor, then with yourself. Academic advisors are always the best people to go to when you are not sure of the future. They literally get paid to help you figure out your end goal and then work with you to make sure that you eventually get there. Make an appointment and know that odds are you will come out of your meeting with a plan. Once you have that plan, go back to your room and look it over. Know that your advisor can’t fill in all the blanks, and that you will have to do some additional work in order to figure out where you want your life to go. It is your future, after all. Take more deep breaths, you got this.

3. Talk to your friends. You don’t have to feel ashamed for not having it all together. There was a time when your friends didn’t have it together either. Talk to them! Ask them where is the best place to start looking for internships, or if your major and minor combination sounds like a disaster. They will tell you the truth, and make sure that you don’t feel so alone anymore.

4. Use your connections. Assume that everyone you have met and will meet in the future is a possible connection. Don’t be afraid to ask them about how they got their jobs, or if they know anyone else you can speak to. Be respectful, of course. Most importantly, know that most people have no problem helping you out. They might even be flattered that you thought to ask them, instead of someone else.

5. Remember that it’s all going to work out. Rome wasn’t built in day! Know that your chosen path will reveal itself to you soon. Until then, don’t be afraid to ask questions and do some research. Oh, and don’t forget those deep breaths. 

Photo Credit: Cover, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Public Communications Major and Multi-Ethnic Studies Minor at American University. Junior. Free Spirit. Dreamer. Master of tripping over own two feet.