Name: Anoushka Mittal
Year: Freshman
Major: Psychology
Home: Mumbai, India
Relationship status: Single as ever.
Dream job: Therapist, and then opening a school for underprivileged special needs kids.
Hobbies/Interests: Scuba diving, traveling, fashion, and people watching.
Something that people don’t know about you: I have a tattoo!
Most embarrasing moment: Wow, this is hard because I’m the clumsiest person on Earth. But probably the time I walked into the wrong class and sat there for 35 minutes until I realized that there were a bunch of kids who looked way older confusedly staring at me. That’s when I finally noticed that I don’t take Philosphy. Oops!Â
What would be your ideal date: Amusement park/Day at the beach.Â
What’s your type: Confident, funny, and someone that can hold interesting conversations.
Favorite social media: Tumblr, hands down.
Guilty pleasure: Watching trashy T.V. for endless hours.Â