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Healthy Study Snacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Finals season is the worst— everyone is stressed out and studying for hours upon hours. With less than two weeks left in the semester (scary right?), we’re all buckling down and preparing ourselves for exams. While it’s easy to get caught up in the stress and eat 12 bags of potato chips, try these healthier alternatives to make your study sessions a little less stressful.

100 Calorie Snacks

With tasty treats like Chips Ahoy, Wheat Thins and Oreos, 100 Calorie Snacks monitor your calorie intake— so you don’t have to. One hundred calories are really all you need to feel full and satisfied, so take these with you to the library to munch on while writing your last philosophy paper or studying for your hardest poly-sci exam.

Green Tea and a Banana

Studying for finals means staying up late, which means buying tons of coffee the next morning. Instead of giving yourself a sugar rush, opt for some green tea instead. Tea is the second healthiest drink for you (behind water) and contains small doses of caffeine. You’ll feel refreshed and energized all day long. Accompany your green tea with a banana. The fruit is a great source of potassium and one is just enough to keep you going till lunchtime.


Contrary to popular belief, popcorn is a perfectly healthy study snack. It’s only when popcorn is loaded with butter and salt is it deemed ‘unhealthy’. Grab a few packs of lightly buttered popcorn and eat them as a late night snack instead of potato chips or pizza. They’re tasty enough to satisfy your junk food craving, but healthy enough to not damage your body!

Yoplait Yogurt

It might be freezing outside, but that won’t stop your body’s cravings for ice cream or fro-yo. Unfortuantely, ice cream and fro-yo are filled with unhealthy amounts of sugar. Stock up on some fruit flavored Yoplait (or any other brand) yogurt instead. You’ll get your fix for a cold, sweet treat yet you’ll also be getting your vitamins!

String Cheese

While this is definitely a throwback to the lunches mom would pack for you in fourth grade, string cheese is a great on-the-go mini meal! It’s a small portion yet it still fills you up while you’re getting some calcium. Plus, who doesn’t like to play with food? It’ll make a great (but small) distraction when you’re on hour six of studying for that accounting final.


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Gabriella Salazar is a junior at American University studying Public Communication and Marketing. She hails from sunny, sunny Los Angeles, California and her proudest moment is meeting Ryan Gosling at the Gangster Squad Premier in January 2013. She's a lover of ballet, wheat thins, food, music and cats; a hater of all things dumb and annoying--like traffic.