Meet Jeremy Duchin, an American University freshman, who rocks a flip phone and a movember mustache to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Jeremy spent last year abroad on a gap year program in Israel, and though he has brought his love for Israel back to campus, he will never forget his roots from down south. Jeremy was born and raised in Texas, and in order to bring a little of his home state to AU, he had a brilliant idea. Jeremy recently began the AU Texans club, and is now running the organization, as it’s current president.
Her Campus AU: Tell us about yourself.
JD: I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and am majoring in math and economics. I’m a big fan of the Dallas Stars, and in high school I played hockey, tennis, and bowling. I also participated in theatre as a director and actor, and I love improv.
HCAU: So, what is the Texas club?
JD: The purpose of the AU Texans club is to bring a little taste of Texas to the DC area and on campus. It is geared towards Texans; though we are not exclusive and are open to anyone who is interested in learning about Texas. The club is non-political and non-religious it’s purely cultural.
HCAU: Why did you decide to start the Texas Club?
JD: When I got onto campus and started meeting new people, I saw I was meeting a lot of Texans. So I thought; wouldn’t it be cool to make a network to connect with other Texans?
HCAU: How is your club progressing?
JD: We had an information session with over 20 people earlier this week. It was a very enthusiastic and rowdy group of Texans (and some non Texans). We plan to have a watch party this Sunday for the Dallas Cowboys against the rival New York Giants, in the Tavern. Next semester, we plan to have a big BBQ and are trying to bring in political figures to one of our events.
HCAU: How can other Texans or Texas enthusiasts get involved?
JD: To learn about upcoming events they can join our Facebook group, AU Texans club, follow us on twitter @AUTexans, and Instragam @AUTexans.
HCAU: What is the one thing about your club that you would like students to know?
JD: We are here to provide support for Texans getting used to this “DC environment” in addition to hosting fun, social events.
HCAU: What is your favorite memory of Texas that you want to bring to AU?
JD: That feeling you get when you meet another Texan, and you have all this common background.
HCAU: Do you do any other student activities?
I’m involved in ATV in the Tavern, Interfaith council, and religious groups on campus.Â
To learn more about AU Teaxans see their Facebook page.