Welcome to April collegiettes!
I don’t know about you but I’m eccstatic that the cold and dark winter of 2014 has finally decided to depart from Washington, DC. No more freak snowstorms or polar vortex scares! Huzzah! But, the scary thing is, this means there is another impending storm coming our way…what storm is that? Finals!
With the last month of school already under way we could all use some motivation to push us to the finish line.
1. April showers bring May flowers
Cherry blossoms (in late bloom this season), daffodils, and tulips will soon be in full bloom, bringing life back to the district.
2. It’s almost music festival season!
Sweet Life, Firefly, Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo and countless other festivals are just around the corner. Who’s ready to dance the stress of finals away?
3. Warm weather activities!
Who’s ready to be able to take advantage of the warm weather and go for a hike, kayak, paddleboard, or even a quick dip? This girl. Head on over to Potomac Paddlesports for some serious fun.
4. Family Vacation
For most of us something we always look forward to each summer is the family vacation. Terrible pictures, ridiculous stories, and lots of bonding time is coming your way. Get excited.
5. Picnics on the Mall
Who doesn’t love a good picnic in America’s capitol?
Look at all the cool things you have to look forward to once you ace those finals! Push on through collegiettes!
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