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Less Than a Week to Thanksgiving: Your Plan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Guest post by Zoe Stoenner

It’s amazing to think that Thanksgiving is less than a week away. We all have been away from family, hometown, high school friends, significant others, neighbors, and everyone in between for about three months now. A lot can happen in in this time, but there’s no better feeling than feeling confident and happy with yourself as you head into the holiday season. As we have been continually told, big and noticeable results do not happen overnight or within two or three days, but here are 7 easy tips to not only feel healthier and more confident before seeing family and friends but also before stuffing your face with turkey.  

1. Eat Clean
Replace processed and sugary food with natural, raw, and minimally processed ingredients. The less chemicals the better! Remember, in a few days, you will be treating yourself with delicious Thanksgiving food and treats, so cleaning up your diet for the week leading up to that big meal will help you feel your best and indulge guilt-free!
2. Let Go of Sugar and Salt
To avoid stomach bloating and feelings of heaviness, cut back on sugar and salt consumption. By eliminating excessive amounts of salt and sugar will allow the body to naturally discard the water weight. According to PopSugar Fitness, sodium intake should be 1,500 milligrams per day. Sugar intake should be 20 grams. 
3. Keep Up With Exercise
Despite colder weather and shorter days, working out is still important for the human body. Exercise controls weight, combats health conditions and diseases, improves mood, boosts energy, strengthens and tones the body and maintains the metabolism throughout the day. 

4. Drink Lots of Water

Many people don’t drink water as it gets colder, but the body gets dehydrated during all seasons – even the cold ones. With that being said, it’s critical to keep the body hydrated for health reasons, but it also suppresses one’s appetite, clears and maintains clean skin, boosts metabolism and energ

5. Fall in Love with Fall Foods

Many fall foods are filled with fiber and other satisfying nutrients. You can eat solely some of these foods or incorporate them into your current favorite meals. Some foods that are in season are apples, brussels sprouts, squash, and of course sweet potatoes and pumpkins. Check out some of the fall produce that’s in season right now.

6. Lay off the alcohol

While everyone loves to enjoy a drink or two as the holidays approach, hold off for a week. As we all know, alcohol consists of empty calories and is filled with sugar. This sugar will interfere with the plan significantly. You might as well wait for a natural “mocktail” or small drink during the Thanksgiving meal.  Even if friends are drinking or you are offering something, stay strong and control your will power. You will feel better about yourself and appreciate your hard work even more.

7. Get at least 7 hours of sleep

Sleep is important and critical for any healthy and fully functioning human being. Sleep promotes positive moods and attitudes, maintains energy and focus and keeps the body and immune system strong as the colder weather approaches. Aiming for at least 7 hours of sleep every night will reset your body, allowing you to maintain your plan, feeling excited and ready for the day ahead. Feeling refreshed and confident only sets up for achieving your goals before Thanksgiving and the holidays!

Enjoy these seven tips in order to ensure that you are your best self for the holidays this year!

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Born and raised in Princeton, New Jersey, Claire Shriver is a Public Communication major and Marketing minor at American University in Washington, DC. She is the Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus American, Vice President of Communication for AU Social Media Club and an AU Ambassador. This past summer she interned in the Features Department at Marie Claire magazine and has a passion for travel, magazines, and film photography. Kristen Wiig makes Claire cry with laughter and Adele makes her swoon.