This year, American University decided to give back to its surrounding community and host a fall festival on the quad. Students worked booths as Tenleytown residents came and enjoyed the fun. Some of the most popular booths were the ring toss and face painting; the most popular attractions were the moon bounce and pony rides.
           When I first heard about the neighborhood fall festival from my friend, I was too excited. Yes, I’m 19, but the minute I heard the words “petting zoo”, I flipped. Who doesn’t love starting their Saturday morning petting cute animals? I’ll admit it—I’m a kid at heart. I love getting my face painted, riding ponies and jumping in moon bounces. However, I probably won’t do that in public until I have kids of my own.
      When I went to the festival Saturday morning, I was taken aback because I had no idea it was mainly for children. I thought that while there would be Tenley residents attending, lots of AU students would take advantage of all the fun and games on the quad. However, it felt like my friends and I were the only ones above the age of 6 who really enjoyed the activities.
     While the fall festival was geared toward entertaining young children, all AU students were able to enjoy the highlight of the festival—the petting zoo. Countless animals were brought to the quad and set up in front of the library. There were a few bunnies (one chubby bunny!), baby turkeys, a goat, a donkey and an alpaca, which stole the spotlight. College students and little kids alike were mesmerized by the alpaca’s adorable face and super soft fur.
           It was so great to see families on the quad enjoying a crisp fall morning. The AU Housing & Dining staff even provided free apple cider, popcorn, candy apples and cotton candy to all the guests! The neighborhood fall festival was a great way to integrate the Tenleytown community. AU students and Tenleytown residents seemed to really enjoy being together in such a fun atmosphere.Â