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Netflix Shows for Your Future Profession

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Netflix is a common pastime for most college students; who says we aren’t learning as we watch our favorite shows. Netflix actually carries really important messages with their shows that can help college students build knowledge for future life experiences. That being said, some of the most popular shows watched on Netflix can be split up into categories by professions. Are you studying Communications? There is a show for that. You need more insight into the profession of the medical world? There are plenty of shows for that. See which one you should be watching (for school purposes of course).

Advertising/Marketing/Public Relations: Mad Men

Law/Justice: Law & Order, CSI, NCIS, Orange is the New Black

Political Science: House of Cards, West Wing

Biology: Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, House, Mindy Project

Chemistry: Breaking Bad

Business: Gilmore Girls

Detective: The Blacklist, Sherlock, Bloodline

Paper Company: The Office

Parks Department: Parks and Recreation

Hipster: Portlandia

Football Coach: Friday Night Lights, the League, Blue Mountain State

Just because your profession isn’t on here, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a show for it, or that one of these shows doesn’t correlate to many different professions. There is important information in all of these shows that are making it critical for us to watch as many of them as possible… for our own professional training.
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Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Tulane Chapter Senior at Tulane University Majoring in Psychology, Minoring in Public Health Originally from Fort Myers, Florida