When you are making your schedule at the begining of the semester it always seems like such a good idea to have morning classes and get them out of the way early, but quickly after syllabus week is over you change your mind. These are that phases of an 8:55.
Your alarm goes off and you’re immediately like
But it’s fine because you decide to hit the snooze button two or three times
But when it’s finally time to get out of bed
You think about getting dressed up and maybe even doing your hair and make up but….
So instead you leave your room looking like this
And you rush across the quad and look at the line in the Dav like
So you walk to class without coffee like this
You walk into class and feel like turning around and leaving to go back to bed
You try to take notes and study, but you fail
And you totally skipped breakfast so all you can think about is hitting up TDR with your friends after class
Your only light at the end of the tunnel is your after class nap
It’s your lucky day, class gets out early and you can’t believe it!
But then you remember you have to do it all over again tomorrow
Image Credits: http://linuxhub.net/2010/01/alarm-clock-for-ubuntu/