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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Astrology enthusiasts, rejoice: Spotify has released a set of twelve cosmic playlists, one for each zodiac sign.

Created by Spotify’s guest astrologer Chani Nicholas, a long-time astrology student, each playlist is designed to reflect a different horoscope, which are listed in the descriptions. The playlists feature 25 respective different songs, which Spotify plans on updating every month as the astrological cycle continues on.

Spotify sat down with Nicholas and asked her about the playlists, providing a look into the reasoning behind what she wants users to get out of them.

“Astrology is about a specific moment in time. Each moment has a specific astrological mark, or archetype associated with it, that defines it. Spotify and I have come together to take the theme of the moment for each sign and curate a playlist that reflects that,” she told Spotify. “You can use it for inspiration. You can use it for healing. You can use it for reflection. You can use it for your own personal morning dance party. It’s a collection of theme songs for your month, astrologically speaking.”

Even if you’re not the biggest fan of astrology, I’d still definitely recommend giving your playlist a try! I was pleasantly surprised by the selection for the Aquarius playlist, and I’ve already saved a good amount of the songs to my library. It’s a fun way to expose yourself to new music and artists without confining yourself to a certain genre.

The playlists are currently available on Spotify’s Pop Culture page, or you can search your sign and find it under the playlists section. Go give them a listen the next time you’re looking for some new music!

Nicole is a political science major at American University. She has been a writer for Her Campus since 2018 and an editor since 2019. She loves to write about politics, social activism and pop culture.