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Spring Break Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Amid all your tests, papers and events that seem to consume you, there is one salvation: spring break. Whether you’re going on vacation, staying at school or heading home, here is a bucket list of things you should do to ensure you have an awesome spring break!

Stay Up and Watch the Sunrise

Grab some friends, a bunch of blankets and pillows, some snacks, and maybe a movie or two. Whether you camp out in a truck, or just in your friend’s backyard, stay up and watch the sunrise. It’s one of the most beautiful things you can see. Then, go get breakfast with your friends to start your morning off right.

On that note…

Try A New Restaurant

There’s always that one restaurant you keep telling yourself you want to go to, but just never have time. Now’s your chance to experience it! If you’re really ambitious, try a type of food that is completely new.

Dedicate One Whole Day to Sleeping

You’ve pulled your fair share of all nighters this semster. Now it’s time to make up for all those lost hours of sleep. If you just cannot sleep for 24 hours, use this as your veg-out day. Watch an entire season on Netflix in one day. You’ve earned some time to relax and chill out!

Then the next day…

Try A New Workout

Whether you’re a regular at the gym or you make it your personal mission never to do cardio, take this chance to take a no-pressure workout class; some even offer them for free! Yoga, kickboxing, ballet barre…the possibilities are endless. And you’ll feel great afterwards, knowing you did something you never thought you’d try. Even better, bring a friend along for motivation!

Take A Day Trip With Your Friends

Pick a place (not too far, but long enough for travel) and spend the day there with your friends. It’s a chance for a new adventure with some of your favorite people! Just pack up and go wherever your heart desires.


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Monica is a freshman at American University and is studying for a B.A. in Journalism, and is still deciding what else she wants to do with her life. She's super excited to be a member of Her Campus American and experience college life. Right now her favorite things to do include exploring DC, dancing, reading fashion magazines and binge-watching television shows.