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Trey Yingst ’16: Interview Enthusiast

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.


HCAU: Tell us about yourself.
Trey Yingst: Well, this is weird. I’m normally the one asking this question. Where to begin…I am from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, I like sushi, I have a twin sister, I like the Washington Wizards (Regardless of their 0-12 start), I love to travel, and I was Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year” in 2006.
HCAU: How and when did you decide that you loved interviewing and wanted to further this passion?
TY: Growing up my favorite journalist was Anderson Cooper. I always thought it would be cool; you get paid to travel around the world and be on TV. Dream job! Right? Anyway, I got to meet Anderson Cooper in September when I was interviewed on his talk show….that definitely made me want to continue what I was doing.
HCAU: Can you list the interviews that you have done so far?
TY: Previous Presidential candidate Ralph Nader, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, Author Seamus McGraw…to name a few
HCAU: Which was your favorite and why?
TY: This is like asking me what my favorite jelly bean flavor is! I like all of them! (Except chocolate, nobody likes a chocolate flavored jelly bean). In all seriousness though, I don’t have a favorite interview, they are all unique in their own ways.
HCAU: Have you ever frozen up in an interview? 
TY: Nope! Freezing is for popsicles, ice, and people who don’t wear jackets in the library.
HCAU: What extracurriculars are you involved in at AU?
TY: I’m on the rugby team and I’m a news anchor at ATV news. Sorry for that really long list. I love American University, but I don’t let the school shelter me. The city is my campus!
HCAU: What do you hope to accomplish in your four years in Washington DC and what is your biggest accomplishment thus far?
TY: I hope to continue doing what I am doing and having fun. If you aren’t having fun with what you are doing then you might as well not do it at all! As for my biggest accomplishment thus far, my interview with Ralph Nader is on CNN.com! I am pretty excited about that!
HCAU: If you could choose one person in the entire world to interview, who would it be and why? 
TY: The President; people spend a lot of their time telling me I can’t do things, well I spend my time doing them.
Lesley Siu graduated from American University in May 2013 with a BA in Film and Media Arts and minors in Marketing and International Business. Originally from Hawaii, she loves photography, fashion, travel, social media and everything Parisian. She has interned at GLAMOUR magazine in New York and Washington Life Magazine in DC, but her proudest accomplishment is founding Her Campus American in 2011 while interning in Melbourne, Australia. You can usually find her reading a magazine, enjoying a hazelnut latte or posting a photo on Instagram... and sometimes, all at the same time. Follow her on Twitter: @lesleysiu and visit her blog.