1) Tell us a bit about yourself! What is your grade, dorm, major?
I’m a junior psych major! I live in stone this year.
2) How did you pick that major?
I took 8 different major courses my freshman year mostly because I had not idea what I was doing… I ended up really enjoying my intro psych class and started taking more psych classes in the next few semesters, eventually deciding I should just major in it.
3) You’re on the field hockey team here, what is your favorite part of being on field hockey?
I love game day… Everyone is just so excited to play and win for each other. AND our parents put together unreal tailgates after each game.
4) And you’re going abroad to Prague this spring, why Prague? What are you most looking forward to? What are you nervous about?
I heard there was a super cool 80s/90s club so that definitely influenced my decision. I’ve also never had the chance to travel to Eastern Europe and Prague is right in the heart of it. I’m excited to travel and explore new places with some of my best friends who will be abroad with me! I’m a little nervous about the initial transition away from the Amherst culture, but definitely ready to try something different.
5) Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
I was on Nickelodeons slime time live (but I didn’t get slimed…)
6) And lastly, what would be the title of your celebrity talk show? (Are you more of a one-namer like Ellen, or would your show have a sassy name like Koktails with Khloe Kardashian?)
“Just Squid”