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Color, and Texture, and Class, Oh My!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Amherst chapter.


Button Down Shirts:

(I promise, they’re not all that bad, give them a chance!)

While generally button-downs are reserved for swanky occasions (Gatsby TAP, anyone?) they can also be worn on the daily. I was never really a fan of polo shirts (I used to have a uniform for school…all 13 years) and 

after a little experimentation I decided oxfords were the way to go.


Why They Rock:

From the outset, it would seem there’s really only one style of shirt, but there are oodles and oodles of oxfords. Remember that specific “T” I talked about from before? Texture? That comes into play a lot here. While the cut of the shirts is generally the same, there are small differences like the fabric and collar structure that affect the overall look of the shirt.


The Peter Pan Collar:

You’re used to seeing it on little kids, but on big kids it gives shirts a feminine twist.The rounded edge is softer and it gives the shirt a less formal look than the regular collar.


The Faux Collar:

I got this one from Forever21 and while it’s technically a necklace, it’s also a great addition to any collarless shirt, especially sweaters. It keeps can class up any pullover and the gold tone is a nice bit of color.


Color, and Texture, and Class, Oh My!

The best part for me about button downs is the wide range of colors and fabrics they come in. Silk is smooth and sumptuous while polyester is durable and equally as polished (the only difference between the two is that since polyester is man-made, it holds up better and requires less special treatment). Not to mention the possibilities of different parings and accessories; I usually throw my denim jacket on top to keep the outfit from looking too red-carpet, but if I’m going for it, a cardigan could pull it all together; some shirts can also stand on their own.


Mercedes, you’ve convinced me! Where can I get one of these gems?!


So glad you asked!! Button downs, while being available at just about any department store, will most likely only be available in the conservative mommy-made-me-buy-this kind of way. For really awesome, unique shirts try thrift stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army. Back in the day, people wore these babies like your average v-neck, so there are always great finds.


Fun fact: You’d think it’s called a “button-down” because…well, it buttons down, right? Wrong! They’re called button-downs because the collars button down, a trend introduced in America (USA, USA!!) by the Brooks Brothers in the late 19th century.


Well, that’s all for this week. ‘Til next time, folks and may the fierce be with you!!