Ready to party with your fellow collegiettes™? Before you start dancing on tables and doing keg stands, here are a few things you need to know to make sure your college party experience is one for the scrapbooks– in a good way!?
1. Never play too many drinking games! We know it’s tempting, and your competitive nature just won’t allow that frat guy to beat you in pong for the fifth time in a row, but remember, games are supposed to be fun. If you end up with your head hovering over the toilet bowl, you probably won’t be having a lot of fun. Plus your cute opponent will be less than impressed.
2. Plan ahead! Make sure you and your going out buddies are always on the same page. You don’t want to be dragged to a party that you don’t want to be at. There’s nothing worse than being at a party and NOT having fun.
3. Sending angry, drunk texts is a no-no! We know that now feels like the perfect time to tell-off that guy who broke your heart (been there, done that!), but just save that text for the morning. If you know the temptation will be too strong for you, ask one of your friends to yell at you whenever she find you hovering over his number on your phone. We promise you’ll thank us.??
4. Keep a bottle of water handy! Fill up a bottle and put it by your bed before you go out at night so it’ll be there when you get back, and when you wake up in the morning. Water is the miracle cure for hangovers. Trust us! ???
5. Keep a tally of your shots. It’s easy to get a bit too enthusiastic and go a little overboard, but keeping a tally on your arm with a pen helps you stay in the perfect place all night long. Once you lose count, “just one more” might sound like a good idea if you don’t realize you’re on shot number ten.