It’s the beginning of the semester and you’re meeting lots of potential new friends and romantic interests. So what’s a quick wait way to know if a friendship (or more) is worth pursuing? Take him/her out for ice cream. Two studies have recently been conducted on what someone’s favorite ice cream flavor says about their personality. We are a liberal arts college after all. We should be using science to pick friends.
If he/she picks:
Vanilla–Vanilla lovers are likely to be impulsive, easily suggestible, expressive, and idealistic. If you’re an optimist who loves spontaneous dance parties, this friendship could work out. If you’re a cynic who has meticulously planned out every hour of your life for the next few months, this friendship might be a struggle.
Chocolate–People who pick chocolate are seductive, well dressed, and love to be the life of the party. Date this person.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough–Someone who favors chocolate chip cookie dough is likely to be ambitious and competitive. If you love placing bets on everything and are looking for someone to really push your beer pong game to the next level, you’ve found yourself a great new BFF.
Strawberry- People who pick strawberry are often a little more shy and introverted. If you hate talking, maybe you should let this friendship go. If you love, hearing yourself talk, here’s someone who will at least give you the impression they’re listening.
Happy friend making!