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10 Ways to Prepare For Another New Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

 I feel like it’s just dawned on me how fast this year is flying by… I know right, how slow am I, but seriously! Christmas is less than 60 days away and that means that the New Year is right on its heels and if you’re anything like me, there’s that dreaded moment right after your New Year’s kiss when you start thinking about resolutions. I like to-do lists as much as the next person, but there’s something about New Year’s resolutions that seem daunting and I always become intimidated and lazy… (I think it’s because it’s more of a list of things I didn’t do last year, and since I’m a very nostalgic person, I prefer to wallow in the fact that I gained weight than actually do anything about it.) BUT, ALAS! We have a full TWO months until this year is over with and that’s plenty of time to accomplish something.

So while there’s still time before we kiss 2011 goodbye, I’ve compiled this to-do list for you and me (since, let’s face it, we’re probably all in the same situation)  that will give me some reassuring hope into actually accomplishing something during whatever is left of this year… Power in numbers!

1. Clean out your car and iTunes
First of all, if you don’t know what’s in your car, we have a problem (should I call TLC’s Hoarding show?). Recycle old soda cans and bottles and vacuum out the crummy remnants of those fries you ate six months ago, because other than it being gross, you can feel more productive after vacuuming your car (maybe move onto vacuuming your room next?). Your car’s not the only thing that needs cleaning… you don’t need to keep listening to Aaron Carter’s CD anymore! It’s time to tidy up your iTunes! Clean that old stuff out… It’s just taking up precious memory on your hard drive that you may need in the future when you discover this really awesome up-and-coming band. Make way for the new you!
2. Go to a new restaurant and try something new
There are only so many times you can head over to Macados and eat the same chicken finger/burger/whatever you’ve been eating every Tuesday night since you’ve been at App. Break out of the routine and head over to karaoke night at Galileo’s on Fridays. You can meet new people and try other delicious food and this will complement the 2012 version of you quite well.
3. Save up
So you have extra cash, well I’m sure you could always go buy that new dress from Lucky Penny, but how long is that going to last? You don’t realize how quickly you burn through money until you don’t have it (True story!) I read somewhere that there was a college grad that put $20 a week away until she was able to buy her own house when she was in her late 20s. How inspiring! And with the holidays coming up, there are only so many times when you can give out gift cards to your family and using the “broke college student” excuse, so start putting $20 a week away so you can have something to spend on gifts. Or decide half of the $20 can go to gifts and the other half can go into your savings account. That way you’ll have some for yourself when you need it!
4. Get organized
How cliché, I know, but I’m an organization enthusiast! If your life seems to be a hot mess (i.e. Britney’s bald/psycho period), maybe it’s because you aren’t organized (or maybe because you’re just having a rough time). But since we’re all college students and we’re all trying to boost up our resumes with extracurricular activities, make sure you’re not wearing yourself too thin. But at the same time, adding a bit more organization in your life might help with time management. Make sure you label your planner with things that are due that week and put to-do lists to use. Also, since we’re all living in the age of technology, add reminders to your phone. Once you’ve gotten into the hang of keeping yourself organized, you’ll find that things start to fall smoothly into place.

5. Analyze and/or re-connect old friendships
It’s a given that some people just change over time and it’s not always a given that you’re going to be friends forever. You may feel compelled to that friendship (i.e. Rachel and Darcy in Something Borrowed), but if it is adding negativity to your life, step away and analyze the situation. You may need some space from each other and who knows? Maybe you’ll find yourself in a better place by making new friends. Also, if you find yourself missing a friend you’ve had a falling out with a few months ago, be the bigger person and talk to them again. You never know, they might be missing you too.
6. Make a bucket list
So a couple of my friends who are graduating this year have made bucket lists of what they want to do in Boone before their time here is over. (This can even apply to freshmen!) Start compiling a list of things you want to do before you graduate from App. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Paint the tunnel
  • Eat one last meal at McAllister’s
  • Be a part of Polar Plunge’s jump into Duck Pond
  • Have one last drink at Klondike
  • Take a picture with Chancellor Peacock and the championship rings

7. Go to a fitness class
UREC offers so many group fitness options that you are bound to be motivated to attend some of them. Be realistic about losing weight (you definitely can’t lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks a healthy way…BELIEVE ME) so grab a couple girl friends and make sure you try out some of the cool classes. (Spinyasa and Vinyasa are interesting takes on pilates and yoga for those who aren’t sure about committing to the class)
8. Spend some time volunteering
The season of giving is literally right around the corner and it’s one thing to talk about being thankful, but it’s another thing to show you’re thankful. There are so many opportunities (Habitat for Humanity, Hospitality House, Humane Society, etc) in Boone that are looking for willing and able students to do some good in the community. Go spend an afternoon helping out, you’ll learn something about yourself, the community, and it’ll add some extra pomp to your resume.
9. Don’t procrastinate
Procrastination is a typical life college experience because, obviously, we all do it. But now that the end of the semester is nearing, your professors are going to be handing you assignment, after paper, after project, after reading, that they’ve just had sitting on the back burner until there’s about three weeks of class left and they’ve just realized they need more grades for you (sigh—it’s a vicious cycle). Anyway, since you know this from now on, make sure you manage your time properly and don’t leave assignments until the last minute. (See #4 for information on how to organize all your work)
10. Don’t sweat the small stuff
Like I said in #9, things are going to be piling up and, unfortunately, we aren’t provided the luxury of only focusing on one thing at a time. Make sure you divide up your time respectively on assignments since some are larger and count more towards your grade. At the same time, don’t over-stress about work. You’re going to have tests that you just don’t do as well on, but that’s ok! Just promise yourself you’ll study harder for the next one and be more prepared—whether that’s seeking out the professor during his/her office hours or getting some extra assistance at the University Writing Center, there are so many ways to make sure you get that good grade the next time. Just don’t stress too much because panic attacks aren’t helpful during crunch time.
If you find that these resolutions are helpful to you in the next two months, maybe you can extended them into next semester. Hello, new you!

Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!