It’s the most wonderful time of the year (almost)!! Even though most of us have probably been anticipating the Christmas season since the day after Halloween, here’s 12 reasons why you should be PUMPED for the Christmas season as it creeps closer!
1. The beloved month long break
Not only does the start of this break mean that fall semester has come to an end, but it also means we get to go back home and not worry about deadlines for basically a whole month.
2. The delicious home-cooked meals
Going back home means having mom overstuff you with AMAZING home-cooked food to make up for all the nights where Ramen was your only option.
3. The Christmas dinner
Day-dreaming about that Christmas ham or swimming around in gravy in your mind is another perk of the Christmas season.
4. Decorating the tree/house
I LOVE Christmas decorations!! Nothing makes me happier than going back home and seeing the house decorated with Christmas lights and hanging ornaments on the tree with my family!
5. Binge-watching Christmas movies
Who doesn’t love watching all the Christmas movies/programs that come with the season?! Making Christmas cookies and hot chocolate as movie treats is definitely one of the best parts!Â
6. Christmas music
Just like Christmas movies, Christmas music is another joyous thing that comes with the season. Trying to hit Mariah Carey’s first “IiiiIiii…” note in All I Want for Christmas Is You is always guaranteed fun.
7. Giving (and receiving) presents
Putting time and thought into someone’s gift, then watching their face as they FINALLYÂ open it is almost an unmatchable feeling. It’s also pretty great being the one to open gifts given to you, too!
8. Snow!!
The ONLY time I like putting up with snow is during the Christmas season. I love being bundled up in blankets looking through the window, watching the snow fall while the Christmas tree lights illuminate the living room (very specific description, but I’m sure we’ve all been there).
9. Honoring traditions
Continuing Christmas traditions that you and your family have been doing since you were a kid is just another great thing to look forward to this season! Decorating the tree with my mom is mine, and I look forward to it every year!
10. Celebrating the true meaning of Christmas
Don’t forget the real reason for the season!
11. Seeing your friends from back home
Although it will suck parting ways with your college friends for the time being, you’ll have the time to see your old friends from back home!
12. Spending time with your family
Most importantly (personally), you get to spend time with your family! I cherish any time I get to see my family, and having us all be brought together for the most wonderful time of the year just makes it even better. Making new memories, and remembering old ones, with your family is something you should always appreciate and take advantage of while you have the time together.Â
Are you excited yet?!Â