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14 Ways To Survive Valentine’s In A LDR

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Whether you’re an LDR veteran or rookie, here are 14 ways to survive this Valentine’s Day apart from your S.O.


Want to hear his (or her) voice? Just take the initiative to call (when they have free time, of course). Maybe plan a call date and you can talk to each other for who knows how long.

Text your SO (as much as you can).

You can’t call every second of the day, but you can try to text.  I’m sure your S.O. wouldn’t mind seeing your name pop up on his or her screen throughout the day.

Play a cute text game.

You could ask each other if you’re talking to anyone else ATM, but include your S.O. You could say you’re talking to the other person in a third person, like “I’m talking to this really cute guy who won’t stop texting me”. Then, play off that. Just make sure the other person knows you’re talking about them, or it could get messy, and you don’t want that to happen on V-Day.

Another cute texting game is to text your SO ten things you love about him or her, and they can do the same for you.

Send a love letter or card.

It is Valentine’s after all. The day to be all mushy and romantic (even though you could be doing that every day). So, why not send a romantic love letter? It can be as simple as “Happy Valentines, Cutie.” Or as thoughtful as a long, handwritten note. Of course, it depends on how long you two have been together and your preference.

If you’re not feeling crafty, you can always nab a cute Valentine’s card from your campus bookstore, Walmart–anywhere. If you go this route, look for something cute and funny that fits you or you and your S.O. both.

Feel their “touch” with an app.

There’s this new app called “Couple” that let’s you share a “thumbkiss” when you open the thumbkiss feature and your partner joins.

Or try the app “Intimate” designed specifically for LDR couples.

What better day to try out these apps in a LDR than on Valentines?

Don’t limit how you communicate.

Try using Skype, FaceTime, Facebook messenger, and Snapchat more today. Send heart-filled messages and pictures. You don’t have to just text.

It’s fun to mix it up. You don’t want to get stuck in the same old routine, especially on Valentine’s.

Send a gift(s).

What’s Valentine’s without chocolate and flowers? You can always send your S.O. a cute stuffed animal. Maybe one you stuffed yourself from the Appalachian Popular Programming Society’s annual “Build-A-Pet” where you stuff your own stuffed animal for your sweetie.

Or, if you’re short on cash, you can play a cute gift giving game where you can find and send 14 small, cheap gifts you can find at a drugstore, and they can send the same to you.

Make a collage of the two of you.

Who doesn’t like making those Pic Collages and Pic Stitchs on posting them to Instagram? Well, you can make one of you and your sweetie, then send it to them through the mail and/or post it to Instagram.

Send a picture (with a cute caption).

Speaking of pictures, you can take a picture of yourself, write a cute caption, like “missing you,” and send it to your S.O. Who doesn’t like taking selfies these days?

Watch a movie at the same time.

You can call each other up and choose a movie from Netflix to watch at the same time. When you are done with the movie, call back to see if the other person is done. It’s a super cute way to watch a movie “together”. And, who knows? You might make it a regular thing.

Eat dinner “together”.

Instead of watching a movie at the same time, why not eat dinner together? You could call using Skype or FaceTime and make a date of it.

Rain check the romance.

You don’t have to celebrate your love on Valentine’s just because it’s a holiday. Why not wait until you see each other next? You probably would do that anyway being so far apart, right?

Celebrate “Gal”entines.

Since you can’t be with your S.O., why not be with one of your single friends, drinking cocktails and such? Or better yet, find a friend who is also in a long distance relationship and hang out with them. You could even have a Skype or FaceTime double-date!

Treat Yosef.

Better yet, if Valentine’s is all about celebrating love. Why not celebrate for yourself and celebrate with your S.O. later? After all, you should love yourself. You should make yourself feel good. You should love Yosef. So, go ahead. Treat Yosef!

Work Cited:






Kaitlan is currently a senior, English major with a concentration in professional writing and a minor in communications at Appalachian State University. She is the Sigma Tau Delta Alpha Lambda Alpha president and the Mountaineer Hall Treasurer. This is her second year writing for HC.