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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

If you’re like all of the other 81.4 million PLUS American’s that tuned in to watch the debate on September 26, then you probably left feeling like most Americans did: utterly confused and frustrated.

Anyone else feel bad for moderator Lester Holt? Poor guy really had to keep his cool throughout the entire 90 minutes. Here are a few feelings you may have felt come upon you during the 90 minute soap opera: 

1) Itching. You know when you get a bug bite and it’s the most annoying itch in the world? Even a tiny ant bite that bubbles up on your skin? Every time a candidate talked about Mr. Holt it felt like my foot was swarmed in an ant hill and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it except wait for it to be over. 

2) Stress. This one is obvious. Did anyone else feel acne forming as they watched all 90 minutes? I had to use a cleansing face mask before bed to apologize to my skin for the stress it had just encountered. 

3) Light-headedness. You know when so many things are going on at once and all of the sudden you get a little dizzy and can’t see straight? When Hillary and Trump were arguing back and forth – that’s the feeling I got. So many words, so much nonsense thrown out all at once. Someone get America a tall glass of water…or a cold beer. 

4) Sober. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to play the debate drinking game. However, I hope most American’s watching did. If so, I hope the hangover wasn’t too bad – but if you played correctly it probably was. 

Cheers to another wonderful debate and to Clinton and Trump slowly making us lose our minds day in and day out. Stay tuned for the second presidential debate scheduled for October 9th at 9pm. Until then – enjoy living debate free for 2 weeks! 








Carlin is a senior at Appalachian State University pursuing a degree in Public Relations and English. She is a Bachelor and One Tree Hill fanatic who is passionate about chocolate frosties and Chipotle. Her dream job is to be a sports reporter for ESPN.