Does this sound familiar? “So there’s this guy.”
Because, when you’re interested in him, you tend to overthink and overanaylze everything that he does. It’s “he did this…” or “he didn’t do this…”
Well, listen up, ladies. What if I told you to trust your gut? What if I told you more often than not, it’s right? Because, you’re probably right.
Think about it, if he seems interested, he probably is. If it’s a hassle to get him to talk to you, if he’s sending mixed signals—well, just know, you’re better than that. But, if you’re still not sure and want to know, here are a few ways to tell whether or not he’s into you.
Have you ever heard that guy’s feet point toward what he wants? No? Sound crazy? Sound like a myth? Well, it’s not, not really. After having been in a 15-month long relationship (and specifically talking to him about this), if it happens more than it doesn’t, it’s safe think it’s not a coincidence. Just try not to be too obvious or awkward the next time you look at his feet. *wink wink*
He finds some reason to get close to you. Like, really close. If he purposefully tries to get close to you or actually touches your arm or what not, he may be doing that for a reason. Again, remember, it could be just a coincidence. And, you can’t base anything off of a coincidence.
He’ll go out of his way for you. He may initiate some kind of conversation— in person, through text, or over the phone—or he may drop what he’s doing to help you with something. If a guy is putting in some kind of effort for you, even a little, it’s safe to say he’s probably interested.
If he makes the plans to hang out and follows through. Better yet, if he makes the plans more than once and follows through, he’s probably interested.
He’ll do something with your name. He could give you a nickname or say your name more than normal. Whatever the reason for him doing so, if he seems interested in your name, you can assume he might be interested in you.
He’ll try to make you smile. He may try to be funny or compliment you or even just smile at you to try to get you to smile back because smiling is infectious and attractive.
He’ll try to get your attention. The oldest sign in the book, dating back to your elementary school years. When you were younger, it may have even went hand-in-hand with him being mean to you, and you always wondered why he did it until you heard somewhere that if boys are mean to you, they like you. But, fear not, younger selves, it get’s better! They mature a little bit with age. Besides, he may just want you to pay attention to him because he’s already paying attention to you.
He’ll ask for your advice. Not that this is a tell-tale sign, but if he asks for your opinion, specifically for something that directly relates to him, it means he values your opinion. Besides, it’s an easy way for him to be able to impress you, is it not?
The main thing to remember is not to worry about it too much. Because, the truth is he’s probably not scrutinizing your actions or words as much as you’re scrutinizing his. So, don’t let him or any other guy stay on your mind for more than he should be. If he’s interested, as cliché as it sounds, you’ll know. You’ll just have this feeling in the pit of your stomach or in the back of your mind. And, if you’re having that feeling, he’s probably thought about you that way. Actually, never underestimate how much he might be thinking of you that way. *insert eyebrow raise*
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