As students come back for the spring semester, there is something definitely missing: The sunshine and warmth of fall semester.
Since most of us are locked up in their rooms hiding from the cold, we aren’t getting that daily dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and also helps keep you feeling perked up and happy.
Without exposure to as much sun, many students fall into a sort of slump. This can include too much Netflix, not leaving your bed for a few days and feeling like a potato overall.
Option one: Get Sweaty
Exercise helps release happy endorphins that make you feel on top of the world. If you hate exercising alone or want to try something new, Quinn and Mt. Mitchell fitness centers offer classes like cardio dance, Barre, Pilates, and kickboxing among other classes.
Group Fitness classes can be found online.
If you’re looking for something that is low-impact that you can do at home, there are great resources online. Blogilates is a Youtube channel that has yoga poses to relieve things such as stress or back pain. Blogilates also has an app that you can download to your phone so you can do it on the go without opening your computer.
Clearly, getting sweaty is not for everyone; fear not, there are other ways to push the slump away.
Option two: Treat yoself.
Now, I don’t mean eat everything you possibly can in a two hour span. A good way to treat yourself if you’re feeling down is to do something with a friend. This can include getting coffee, lunch somewhere not on campus or just a throw-back movie night to watch something like High School Musical.
Another way to possibly treat yourself would be to have a night in to paint your nails and throw a face mask on and relax with a movie or your favorite series on Netflix. This can be relaxing after a long day and help you to wake up refreshed the next day.
(However, I personally like to buy myself new shoes.)
Option three: Shake things up.
Now this can be taken a variety of ways. Shaking things up can range from changing the cut or color of your hair, wearing a bright red lipstick and dressing up for class, or even just waking up early to watch the sun rise.
Shaking things up can help you get out of the wintertime slump because you’re not doing the same exact routine every single day. Waking up early or dressing up for class can help make things feel new and more productive (if you wake up extra early, treat yoself with an extra cup of coffee while you’re at it too).
Option Four: Do what makes you feel happy.
This is an option entirely up to you. We all have our own little quirks or routines that help us to feel happier. Knitting, riding a bike, photography, we are all unique and have the ability to do things for us that make up feel happier.
We just have to go out and do it.