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Two characters from the movie \"Heart Eyes\"
Two characters from the movie \"Heart Eyes\"
Sony Pictures
Culture > Entertainment

‘Heart Eyes’: Love is A Killer 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

This article contains minor spoilers of Heart Eyes

Meet cutes, sunsets, a warm breeze. These are elements that cause butterflies to burst and hearts in our eyes. Spending time with the one you love most on the same day as everyone else seems like a right. Unless of course, you’re in a select city where the Heart Eyes Killer wants to take that right to romance away.

In the new film Heart Eyes, that city would be Seattle! Starring Olivia Holt (Totally Killer) as Ally and Mason Gooding (Scream VI) as Jay, the pair unexpectedly end up as this year’s target.

Now, the Heart Eyes Killer (HEK) doesn’t just go after one couple. After all, Valentine’s day is a 24-hour event, why would killing be any different? 

The first killing took place early in the morning during a proposal at a winery. Cupid isn’t the only one shooting arrows! HEK strikes first with the photographer who had just asked the couple to re-do the proposal, then takes a knife to the face of the man who is on one knee. The would-be bride takes off running, hiding in the dead winery only to be shot in the foot with an arrow. She continues to run, only to be squashed like a grape in a wine press. 

Cut to Ally and Jay having their meet cute at a coffee shop where they reached for the same order! It gets embarrassing real fast as the two keep bumping heads, one of which the impact gave Jay a nosebleed. Stressed and freaked out, Ally apologizes, throws napkins at Jay, and runs out.

Ally works in advertising and is on the chopping block after creating a jewelry ad titled ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ with the depictions of couples dying. Needless to say, the timing is ill with HEK on the loose. To save their campaign, the company has hired Jay to help Ally make a new advertisement. He invites her to a dinner which lasts all of two minutes after they push each other’s buttons on the topic of their singleness. Jay leaves the restaurant and Ally follows, apologizing as she catches up to him. Since she’s facing the road, she sees her ex getting out of a car with his new girlfriend and impulsively kisses Jay. The Heart Eyes Killer sees this and settles on them as their next target.

Ally and Jay end up at Ally’s apartment where they begin to get to know each other. Ally tries to clean up what she can as her apartment was not expecting any visitors. She notices her vibrator on her nightstand and subtly goes to put it out of Jay’s sight. Opening her closet door to discard her vibe, she screams when she sees HEK, and throws her pink vibrator at him. This begins the night’s attack of the pair, despite telling HEK that they’re not a couple.

The duo spent the night being attacked at various locations including a carousel, drive-in theater, and St. Valentine’s chapel. 

When they’re not being attacked, Ally and Jay share lighthearted and heartfelt moments learning about each other. They develop a connection, understanding, and care for each other. Their chemistry is undeniable! 

Holt and Gooding make a great pair; their chemistry is easy, connection undeniable, and their comedy bounces off each other well. Holt is on her way to becoming a resident scream queen while Gooding shows his horror chops in a new setting. 

I would definitely see this movie again and I recommend you see it for yourself! Make your heart skip a beat in the most delicious way this February.

Heart Eyes is now in theaters.

Sophia Alayna

App State '24

Sophia is a Senior at Appalachian State University. She is pursuing a degree in English Creative Writing and Gender, Women's, & Sexualities studies! Sophia enjoys writing, getting in her feels, and creating/maintaining connections with loved ones.