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My Winter Break To Do List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.


As soon as I finish my last exam, I am packing up my little Volvo, and heading down 421. For the last two weeks, the only thing that has helped me survive 12 hour days at the library has been “visions of sugarplums dancing in my head”, and thoughts of “stockings hung by the fire with care.” In other words; home cooked food, friends, and Christmas traditions with my family. So instead of studying for my dreaded American Lit exam, I created my very own Winter break to-do list:

  1. Sleep. OMG, I am getting excited just thinking about passing out without setting an alarm! I can’t wait to snuggle up in my bed with my puppy and sleep for days.
  2. Cook, bake, and eat! There is no season that caters (pun intended) to cooks and bakers alike more than the holiday season. I am finally going to make all those yummy desserts that I have been lusting after on Pinterest.
  3. Catch up with friends. It has been so hard to keep in touch with my high school besties, especially when they are all 5+ hours away; so I am using this break to reconnect with them.
  4. Spending time with my puppy!- Oh, and my family too. :) As I am getting older, I am realizing how precious the times are when my whole family will be together. I plan on taking advantage of these days.
  5. Relax- After I wake up at noon, I plan on vegging out and catching up on Gossip Girl and Lifetime Movies. I might even start the Walking Dead on Netflix…
  6. Curl up with a good book. There is nothing better than a good page-turner, a blanket, and cup of hot chocolate.

Now for the boring stuff…

  1. Fix my schedule- I hate registration, so much. Right now I’m pretty sure I am signed up for all 8ams, and none of the classes that I actually need.  Hopefully some spots have opened up.
  2. Start planning for summer- This is the perfect time to start applying for internships, and deciding whether to I want stay in Boone or not. After all the holiday fun is over, what else is there to do?
  3. Speaking of planning…SPRING BREAK!- It is so much closer than it seems, and I am trying to take advantage of some early bird specials.
  4. Oh and that reminds me, I am going to get an early start on getting in shape for spring break. I am not waiting until the last minute this year!

Enough with lists! Most importantly, I just want to have a fun, relaxing break! I am going to treasure these days, because once I get in the real world, I know I will kill for a whole month break. So I’m going to sing Christmas carols until I’m hoarse, eat until I can’t move, and maybe be bit productive :) Happy Holidays Collegiettes!

Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!