“I wanted to work out so I walked up to the Quinn but then I turned around because I was already sweating.”
“I would go to the library with you but I just can’t handle being on the 3rd floor right now.”
“Which of my scarves matches this outfit?”
“I swear if I get passed by pink route again today…”
“I just really like guys with beards.”
“I planned on looking cute for class today but then the wind hit me.”
“Does anyone have some chap-stick I can use?”
“Can we go to Harris Teeter today I just really want Starbucks.”
“Can’t wait to start working on my Chaco tan again!”
“It’s so nice outside we should go take pictures at Rough Ridge.”
*walks into the Quinn* “When does cardio dance start?”
“He brought his dog to campus last week and I’m officially in love.”
“How cold do you think it is today?”
“Can I wear Bean Boots with this?”
“I really wish Mt. Mitchell was bigger.”
“Do you think they have ______ at Central right now?”
“Yeah, so about last night at Char….”
“Is this flannel cute enough to wear to a party?”
“He took me to Proper on the first date so I’d say things are going well.”
“Have you seen my cowboy boots recently? I need them for game day tomorrow.”
“When do you think Cherub will come back to App?”
“Let’s go up to King Street today I heard there’s a sale at Gladiola Girls.”
“I couldn’t a find a table in the library with a plug so I just left.”
“Let’s try to go to the Humane Society soon I want to play with the puppies.”
“I heard a girl mispronounce the Avett Brothers name last weekend and almost slapped her.”
“I really miss hanging out we should get McAlister’s sometime together.”
“If you haven’t gone to the parkway with him yet are y’all even dating?”
“The checkout ladies in Central and Cascades always make my day better.”
“I love your sweater where did you get it?” “Goodwill.”
“I think I’ve seen him on Tinder before.”
“I really want to hot tub at the Cottages today do you think we’ll get kicked out?”
“What does a girl have to do to be ASU Crushed?!”
“She’s pretty rich, she has at least $100 in her bank account.”
“Hi, can I get a safe ride from Coltrane to Central?”
“I know it’s cold but a jacket doesn’t really go with my outfit.”
“Did I get kicked out of Klondike last night?”
“Group project meeting in the library…do you guys want to meet at the statue?”