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A Thank You Letter to Rupi Kaur

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

We as women haven’t always had the privilege to express the pride we feel being women, the joy we receive from tackling and successfully thriving in jobs or situations only thought possible to be made great by men, or the ability to make our voices heard.

Today, we can successful stand upon the shoulders of the women who came before us, being supported by their relentless campaigning for us, and being held up by their hands that were willing to work tirelessly in efforts to allow us a platform. 

We have a lot of reasons to celebrate the strides that we have made as women. We have a lot of strong, intelligent women to thank. However, right now I want to focus on one in particular: Rupi Kaur.

As a Canadian writer focusing mainly on feminist topics, Rupi Kaur has inspired women from China, to India, to the United States with her soulful, raw writing. 

Let’s talk about overcoming obstacles for a moment, because Rupi had many.

Obstacle #1: She is not native to America. There should not be a doubt in anyone’s mind that American born citizens have the upper hand in almost every single aspect in life. Coming from her native country of India, Kaur had to learn the ins and outs of the US, the culture, and the language which brings me to her next obstacle.

Obstacle #2: English is not her first language. Coming from India, Hindi is the most widely spoken language throughout the country. At the age of five, Kaur had to immerse herself in not only Hindi for her personal and familial life, but English as well in order to understand this brand new American world she was welcomed into. 

Obstacle #3: She is a woman. This is arguably one of the greatest obstacles (in my opinion) that Kaur has had to overcome. If you are a woman, you have probably been introduced to the sexism felt when your abilities and accomplishments are stacked up against a man’s, the patronizing actions, looks, and words given to you when they see your dress or a floral pattern instead of your intelligence and impressive work ethic, or the way you are complimented for your appearance instead of your drive. You have probably noticed that you have to work twice as hard to be taken seriously, always present yourself in the greatest of lights, make sure your mind is sharp, and your wit is unmatched, to be stack up against the competition. Kaur did just that while simultaneously tackling the other obstacles, mentioned or not mentioned, in her way. 

Kaur is a self published author and made her debut into the poetry and prose world with her award winning book Milk and Honey. I’m going to speak from experience for a moment and say that Milk and Honey is one of the most powerful books to read at any point in your walk through life. 

I picked up this book during one of the saddest, most lonely times of my life after many people close to me suggested it. Words are powerful. That is something that I have and always will believe, but I was skeptical that this book by an author that I had never hear of would force me to pick myself up from wallowing in a pool of my own self-pity. I started with the hurting, which is the first chapter, and it nailed every emotion I was feeling, ones I could express and ones I couldn’t. I read through the loving, my heart still tender, the breaking, recognizing that I was in that place, and made it through to the healing to one particular poem that I will always remember. 

The most beautifully gentle reminder that, while we are still human so incredibly vulnerable and prone to break, our hearts beat on despite it all. 

Thank you, Rupi Kaur for giving me the push I needed to stand up, the courage to wipe the tears from my face and share my story and my heartbreak, for empowering women everywhere, and for being an inspiration to women who don’t yet know what they are made of.


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Jennifer is a senior Public Relations major with a minor in Sociology. When she isn't writing, Jennifer is involved with her sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta-Nu Alpha, is writing music, is making your favorite coffee, stopping every stranger on the street to pet their dogs, probably napping, and giving glory to The Lord for all of the opportunities she has been given.