With my junior year coming to a close, there have been two main thoughts running through my mind: “Aw, last year at this time I was halfway done!” and “Holy crap next year at this time I’ll be graduating.”
Honestly, who invented the four-year college plan? Why couldn’t it be extended to six years and be accepted? Four years just flies by too fast, it truly does.
My life has changed this year. It seems like yesterday I was moving into my apartment, after living all summer with my best friend since kindergarten. Seems like I was just picking out the couch for my living room, my bedspread, my 5,000 pillows.. all of the things that seem so silly, but provide so much comfort at the end of a long day.
Once again, my life has changed this year. Everything in my apartment now has memories attached to it. My room has been my place for laughter, tears, confessions, lots of prayers, and hours of writing papers.
My roommate, who was only a friend when we moved in together, has become one of my best friends and the first person I go to when I have something good OR bad to tell.
I finally landed the summer job I’ve wanted since freshman year and I finally got an internship that should help me in the future.
I turned 21 during my junior year. I have a new found love of beer and trying out a new good brew at every restaurant I go to. My bills are more expensive and I frequently forget to close my tab at the bar… meaning I have to walk shamelessly through the doors the next morning to go pick it up.
That walk of shame may be worse than the actual walk of shame honestly.
I met a lot of new people. I’ve made countless new friends, including my little who has become one of my best friends.
A year ago at this time I had no idea who she was… so it’s crazy how much can change. I wonder who I’ll be saying that about next year.
I’ve been on some dates, both good and bad. I’ve learned a lot about relationships and the type that I hope to be in one day. I learned that although there are a lot of sucky guys out there, not all of them are actually the same (contrary to popular belief).
There are still some gentlemen left who can have genuine conversations with you, and that’s refreshing.
I learned about karma yet again, and I learned the gut wrenching fact that not everyone has the same heart as me.
I learned that just because so and so did something bad, doesn’t make the bad thing I do any better. Comparing wrongs is for cowards.
Out of everything this year, I learned how to be happy regardless of the circumstances or situations. Not everyone will like you and not everything will go your way, but I’d say this year I’ve learned how to roll with the punches.
Junior year, thanks for making me grow up.