In college, many girls become insecure because they don’t have a boyfriend; girls start to question their beauty, their body and even their personality. “What is wrong with me?” Is a pretty common question but let me just tell you that there is NOTHING wrong with you; some guys just don’t want to be in a relationship. However, it’s OKAY to be single in college because it comes with benefits; it benefits youobviously but more importantly your emotions, your social life, your wallet and your time.
Benefit Number 1: College is the time to find yourself, to work on yourself. Being in a relationship doesn’t always allow you to do that so be happy that you aren’t tied down and go out and try something new, discover a new hobby, join a club, get a job or do a sport. Just get out there and only focus on you.
Benefit Number 2: Without a boyfriend, you are allowed to talk to whomever you want. There is no jealousy involved. You can make new friends whether they are male or female so go out whenever, wherever and with whomever you want. Wonderful right?
Benefits Number 3 and 4: This is a big one, being single benefits your wallet and your time. When you are single, you don’t have to spend extra money on buying your boyfriend a gift or lunch, you can use that money on you. You will be able to make financial decisions that affect you without having to bring anyone else into the equation. It works that way with time to, you can spend more time on yourself rather than with a boyfriend.
So ladies, stop making it your goal to find a boyfriend this year because if you make it a priority, it will only bring you down so rejoice that you are single and go do something with your life, your time and your money. Take it from someone that has spent practically their entire first year of college single, it sucks sometimes but then I remember all of the good things that came out of it. I have actually never been happier and so should you.