So you’re taking a trip for spring break. What to bring? Most girls’ first thought is “BRING ALL THE THINGS.” If that’s what you’re thinking, step away from the suitcase. Girls are infamous for over-packing. Impress everyone with these tips on how to pack smartly.
1. The smaller the better
Choose a smaller makeup bag to limit the products you bring. Just because you have a lot of products at home doesn’t mean they need to come with you. Bring products in small or slim packaging. You’re not going to need a full can of hairspray for a week. If you do, you definitely have a problem. If you’re worried about not having enough makeup to glam yourself up, bring a bold lipstick color. Automatic glam.
2. If it’s a ‘maybe’ it’s a ‘no’
When it comes to packing something, ask yourself if you’ll use it for sure. Will you really want to stay in and read that book? Are you sure you’ll want to wear those silver, glittery pants? If you’re undecided or you’re wavering in your answer leave it at home. Less is more. Two pairs of shoes. One, maybe two, purses. Okay, ladies?
3. Versatility is key
Bring a foundation you can wear during the day and when you go out at night. Instead of bringing an army of hair tools, stick to a flat iron. You can curl, wave and straighten hair with just the one tool. Pack accessories you can wear with multiple outfits. Bring versatile clothing that can be layered or easily interchanged with other pieces.
4. Lists are your new BFF
Don’t know what to bring? Make a list and use categories to make sure you bring everything you need (i.e. chargers for their respective electronics etc). Lists will also reduce the chances of you forgetting anything. Literally check the list off three times to ensure nothing is left behind.
5. Organize & Utilize your space
Roll, don’t fold! Any expert packer knows rolling your clothes leaves more room in your bag.
Don’t ever over-stuff anything because that just guarantees a mess when you reach your destination and you’re trying to find something in your makeup bag or suitcase. You want to make sure there’s a bit of leeway in your bag even after you’ve bought new things on your trip. Lastly, keep everything organized in some sort of bag or box so that you never have trouble finding anything. This way you won’t end up losing things on the trip either.
6. Convenience
Bring makeup wipes so when you’re beat at the end of the day, washing up for bed is easy. Plan out your outfits for each day and separate each outfit including accessories into large ziploc bags. This way you’re not digging around in your luggage forever looking for something. When packing makeup, choose waterproof products so you don’t ever have to worry about what you look like. One thing you should also bring though? Downy wrinkle release spray. Such a life saver.