If you’re looking for something to be thankful for this week, be thankful that you don’t go to BYU, you heathens.
According to the Salt Lake Tribune, BYU starting forward Brandon Davies was dismissed from his team Tuesday for having sexual relations with his girlfriend, which is a violation of the university’s honor code. Davies was considered to be a big piece of the team that could grab a top seed in the NCAA
I read the honor code to see what else makes you a sinner at BYU. Let’s just say few Wildcats would survive:
At BYU, you are to maintain a clean and modest appearance, which means no sleeveless, strapless or backless tops, and no dresses, skirts or shorts above the knee.
At Arizona, you aren’t even required to wear pants to class.
At BYU, you have to apply for permission to grow a beard.
At Arizona, you designate a month to grow out your facial hair just to gross out every female in the vicinity. It works.
At BYU, you are required to regularly attend church services.
At Arizona, your religious activity consists mostly of praying for your hangover to go away.
At BYU, you must abstain from illicit drugs, alcohol, coffee and tea.
At Arizona, you can take Jager shots from shot glass suspenders on a sidewalk on University because you have an open bottle in your back pocket. What’s that? Not legal, you say? Meh.