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Being a Sexual Being Is Not Just About Having Sex

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


Being a sexual being does not mean you have to have a lot of sex or act provocatively. It is about expressing your sexuality and what makes you feel beautiful.

In today’s society, most people believe every action made by a woman, with a sexual orientation, is to entice a man. This thought process, however, is false.  

Women are beautiful and mysterious creatures. We are smart and strong, all while possessing the gentlest touch of human life. For this reason alone, we are too special to live life for the pleasure and entertainment of a man. A woman needs to live life for herself and admire her body, mind and soul. 

Once you embrace your independence and sexuality, you will feel empowered and confident. You will no longer feel controlled by a man’s opinion or judgment. 

Here are 6 steps to becoming a confident, sexual being. 

1.Dress For Yourself

Whether it’s hipster chic or on the risky side, your individual style is how you showcase yourself to the world. If you let someone else dictate your style, you aren’t portraying who you really are.  So, next time you reach into your closet, pull out an outfit that’s all your own! 

2. Have an Opinion

 There are 7 billion people that populate the planet earth. We are bound to possess different opinions on the multitude of topics associated with life. Each of us has different life experiences, which help form our opinions. This being said, you have every right to voice your own opinion on what you feel strongly about and don’t need to comply with what others think.  

3.Be the Boss

That’s right, I said it, be the boss! Make it your mission to be a boss in life. Strive for the best and capture the unattainable. Never let anyone disrespect you or make you feel less than you’re worth. You are a strong woman, who is capable of achieving greatness. So get out there, and go for it! 

4. Showcase Your Body

The female body is a true art form. A woman should be allowed to showcase her body in any way she choses. It is not wrong or provocative to post pictures that embrace your body. If you love yourself and admire your body, then as a woman, you have the right to do so. It does not make you a slut and does not decrease your worth. Flaunt the beauty that is your body and love the skin you’re in.

5.Take Pictures for Yourself

It is common for a woman to partake in certain actions that could gain attention from a man. These types of activities could be as simple as posting a sexy picture on Instagram or uploading a cute snap to your Snapchat story, in the hopes your crush will see.  Attracting a man’s attention, however, should not be the driving force in posting a photo. You should post pictures for yourself and post what makes you confident.  That being said, I guess a little male attention doesn’t hurt sometimes…

6. Know and Love Yourself

No one knows you better than yourself.  Make choices that benefit you and the person you inspire to become.  Never let someone influence the decisions you make in life.  Live life for you.  Be you.  You are beautiful.