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The Better Sex Workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


Valentine’s Day is over but that doesn’t mean the romance has to end. Being physical with your significant other is one of the best ways to connect emotionally and of course, physically. “One study revealed that 88 percent of women who exercised five times per week rated themselves as way above average between the sheets,” according to Fitness Magazine columnist, Lindsey Emery. Why not sculpt a sexier body and receive more, longer lasting pleasure while you’re at it?

Improve Energy

Mountain Climber with Reverse Crunch

Targets: abs, hip flexors, glutes, quads and calves

Start in push-up position with right knee toward chest then push it out next to your left foot that’s on the floor. Keep abs tight (you should feel it) then alternate legs for 30 seconds.

Lie face up on floor with legs in regular sit-up position, hands behind head. Lift feet 6 inches above floor. Lift hips to bring knees toward chest while crunching upper body toward knees; lower. Do 10-15 reps and repeat 5 times.

Build Core Strength


Targets: abs, obliques and glutes

Lie face up on floor with legs together and extended to ceiling above hips. Slowly lift hips so off floor while twisting lower body to right. Keep your upper body still! Return to center and lower hips, repeat to left. Do 20 twists alternating sides. Lower legs.

Gain Flexibility

Hip Flexor/ Quad Stretch

Targets: hips and quads

Begin on all fours with hands in line with shoulders and knees under hips. Step left foot forward and hold with left hand with knee bent 90 degrees. Lift upper body, keeping chest up and push right hip/quad forward. Grasp right foot with right hand and pull toward butt and hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.

“O” Insurance

Bridge Pose

Targets: abs, hip flexors, pelvic floor, glutes and hamstrings

Lie face up on floor with knees bent. Squeeze glutes and concentrate on abs and pelvic muscles. Lift hips forming a diagonal line from knees to head. Lower but don’t let butt touch the floor. Do 15 reps. To get a more firm and lifted butt, alternate sides lifting right hip and left hip. Do 20 reps.

Heighten Sensation Down There

Single-Leg Dip/ Jumping Jack

Targets: glutes, hamstrings and quads

Stand in front of chair with feet hip-width apart. Step up on seat with right foot, left foot hanging off. Right knee should be at 90 degrees while left foot still hanging. Hold for 15 seconds, step down and switch legs. Do 10 jumping jacks. Do this routine 5 times but rest for a minute during each set.

A regular exercise routine also balances your hormones (helps regulate and decrease intensity of your period) and releases endorphins to make you feel more pleasure. These moves strengthen and/or improve the muscles you use during sexual activities and they’re not just for women, men can do them too (but they have more testosterone to keep ‘em going).