Name: Holly Kapp
School: University of Arizona
Year: Senior
Major/ Minor: Communication Major with a Minor in Studio Arts: emphasis in Photography
Q: What are you involved in on campus?
A: “I am involved in Alpha Phi Omega, which is a community service fraternity. I am also involved in two university affiliated Jewish groups called Chabad and Hillel.”
Q: What are some of your hobbies?
A: “Some hobbies include taking picture, cooking, baking, and discovering music.”
Q: What first sparked your interest in photography?
A: “I have loved photography since I was really young. I would always use the little disposable cameras and ask if I could borrow my parents’ nice camera before I was too old enough to own one of my own. I loved the fact that you could capture memories.”
Q: Are there any tips you would give a beginner or someone interested in photography?
A: “Take lots and lots of pictures of things you are interested in. The more pictures you take the more you will learn and improve”
**Photos taken by Holly Kapp