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A Little Nerd, and a Whole Lot of Cute

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

Name: Jacob Ziegler

Class standing: Senior

Major: Math

Minor: Physics

Home town: Las Vegas, Nevada

Three words that describe Jake: friendly, nervous, nerdy

Favorite color: Teal

Favorite movie: Lord of the Rings; Return of the King

Favorite food: Pork chops. Pork chops are awesome… really anything from a pig.

Hobbies: Playing videogames, board games, and hanging out with friends.

Cat or Dog: Dog


HCA: What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

Jake: If I had a girlfriend I would take her out on a super awesome date. But since I don’t… I guess I’d buy an Aston Martin, (the car James Bond drives).


HCA: Describe your perfect girl.

Jake: Tan. Long blonde hair, mid-back. Blue eyes. Thin, but intellectual, interested in like science or engineering or something. Somewhat nerdy.


HCA: Describe your perfect date.

Jake: A nice fancy dinner followed by a walk, preferably on the beach.


HCA: What is your biggest fear?

Jake: Big ass spiders.


HCA: What is your favorite drink?

Jake: Coke. Vanilla Coke if I feel like being classy and Jack and Coke on a night out.


HCA: What is your favorite Pokémon?

Jake: Dragonite





I'm a journalism student at the University of Arizona.