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Local Boy Evan Roberts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


Name:  Evan Roberts

Class standing:  Junior

Major: Accounting


HCA: Where are you from?

Evan: Tucson, Arizona


HCA: How do you like to spend your free time?

Evan: Hanging out with friends/ Playing sports or music


HCA: What is one object you can’t live without?

Evan: My phone! I always need to know what’s going on.


HCA: What is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?

Evan: Travel. Preferably to Europe or Australia


HCA: What is your favorite food?

Evan: Anything off the grill!


HCA: What do you want to do when you graduate?

Evan: Find a well-paying job


HCA: What are you most afraid of?

Evan: Public Humiliation


HCA: Who is your favorite superhero?

Evan: Tough question! Probably Ironman


HCA: What is your guilty pleasure?

Evan: Playing video games


HCA: What is your favorite color?

Evan: Blue


HCA: What is your favorite thing about the University of Arizona?

Evan: Awesome weather year round

I'm a journalism student at the University of Arizona.