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A Magical Musical Experience

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


Who loves laughing and watching people perform live? Everyone! That’s who! Do I sound overly excited? Well, that’s because I am. A Magical Musical Experience was a wonderful way to end a long and stressful week. This musical kept me laughing the entire time and let me just say, it is really difficult to make me laugh out loud but it wasn’t hard for these guys, I literally could not sit still because I was laughing so much. If you couldn’t tell, I got the privilege of attending this event and I want you to check it out. I don’t want to give too much away but A Magical Musical Experience was a beautiful tale of The One With The Scar who conquers all of the obstacles around him and challenges his enemy The One Under The Turban with his friends, The One With The Famous Best Friend and The Frumpy But Smart One with lots of singing. If you have no idea what I am talking about then I recommend you go check it out and laugh a little. You are actually in luck because there is one more show in Modern Languages 350 on Friday March 29, 2013 and it’s FREE. Yes, I said it. It’s FREE so you there is no reason to miss this once in a lifetime event. I know that there was a lot of work put into this musical so go and appreciate some singing, dancing and jokes because the cast and everyone that was a part of it would really enjoy that. Jesse Ploog, the choreographer, had this to say “I am really proud of this cast and the way that the show has come together so everyone should totally come see it tonight because it’s totally awesome.” Totally awesome indeed. So if you are looking for a great laugh or don’t have anything to do on your Friday night then you should go. 

Freshman at the University of ArizonaMajor: Theatre ArtsMinor: Spanish and Journalism