This week was full of a wonderful event and exciting releases. First, I attended a play called The Arsonist at the University of Arizona. I was intrigued every minute of it; the acting was great along with the plot and lessons that I took from it. Just a heads up, if you are planning on going then this might spoil it for you. However, the story was about a man afraid of the acts committed by arsonists, Mr. Biedermann, who welcomes a man into his home, who claims that he is from the street but actually turns out to be an arsonist, whom with his partner sets up tanks of gasoline and detonators to burn Mr. Biedermann’s home. I thought that this story was interesting because this man puts his trust in this people and even when they admit that they are arsonist, he still believes that they will do what is right. At the end of it all, the message that I took from the play was that when we try to make peace, we tend to start fires that we cannot put out. This was truly mind blowing.
Aside from attending the Arsonist, some of my favorite Disney Stars made their way to the top of my to do list and happened to always find their way into my conversations. Demi Lovato actually is one of my favorite singers and I am not afraid to admit it; her new single, Heart Attack made its way onto Vevo and YouTube this week. HER NEW VIDEO CAME OUT and I loved it, she looked so beautiful and there was so much passion; that girl was fierce. I mean there were some points where I was really confused but it was still good and I recommend checking it out because I know that there were some points in the video where I wanted to paint my arms black and passionately grab my face and neck. I mean who doesn’t after watching this video?
Selena Gomez, my other favorite Disney Star is making a comeback with her single Come & Get It. I actually loved it; it had this awesome Bollywood feel to it, you can dance to it and practice your awesome lip-syncing skills—I know I have. I actually happen to know that she will be performing her single at the MTV Movie Awards 2013 and we know that she can rock it in a recording studio but we will see if she can rock it live. Honestly, I loved all of her albums so hopefully this one will be just as great. This is another thing worth check it out so go listen to it and I hope you love it as much as I do.
This is all I have for you this week but be sure to check in every week for new entertaining events that I have attended at the University of Arizona, new music news, new movie news and everything happening in the lives of your favorite celebrities.Â