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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


Use This For That
With the economy always seeming to be in shambles, it’s time we make use of
our everyday household items. Instead of going out to buy more appliances and office
supplies, look at what you already have and put it to even better use. Here is a list of a
few things that have more than one use:
1. Add a few drops of saline solution to refresh dried-out mascara. Now you can use
a bottle of mascara for months.
2. Instead of spending an hour trying to rip open sealed plastic packages, use a can
opener to cut open the sides. For whatever reason companies think that their car
chargers should be harder to get to than the President. Save yourself a cut finger
and pop out that can opener for an easy open.
3. Trying to amplify the volume of your Iphone/Ipod, but don’t have speakers? All
you have to do is put it in a bowl. This will magnify the sound enough to fill the
room with your latest tunes.
4. Are you sick of buying oil sheets for your face that never stops greasin’? Save
some cash and stock up on toilet seat covers. Just rip a piece off and dab your face
to get that matte look you wish you always had.
5. If you haven’t caught onto the Netflix fad you’re probably still struggling to
watch the scratched DVD’s that skip every time your favorite scene comes on. To
fix this all you have to do is go to the kitchen and grab a banana. Cut the banana
in half and rub it around the scratched areas. Wipe it off and go over with glass
cleaner and voilà it’s good as blue-ray.
6. Opt out of buying lipstick and instead stock up on strawberry Jello-O mix. Pour
the mix into a bowl and dip a wet Q-Tip into the powder and apply it to your lips.
Be careful not to get it on your fingers because it could stain your fingers.
7. Do you hide bags of cookies in your purse to eat during class? Crumbs are now
roaming around in your purse waiting to get all over your hands every time you
reach in for something. The quick fix? Lint rollers. A lint roller will help clean out
all the debris multiplying at the bottom of your purse.
8. Trying to hide the stench of the month old dishes in your house and/or dorm?
Candles will help, but the wax seems to always get all over the candle holders.
In order to prevent this and be able to reuse the holders, all you have to do is use
nonstick spray on the inside of them before putting the candle in.
9. You have boyfran and want a good-looking pedicure, but can’t afford to take the
hour-long wait and $20 fee at Campbell Nails. Put marshmallows in between your
toes to separate them during a home pedicure.
10. After the perfect pedicure, it’s time to take care of the chipped canvases you call
nails. The most sophisticated look, the French Manicure, can also seem like the
hardest. That curved shape at the top of the nail isn’t hard to get at all. Just use a
rubber band around the nail until you get the perfect shape and paint over it!
11. Need to hang the latest picture of you and your girlfriends at Dirtbags? Can’t find
anything to hold the frames with and don’t feel like going to the nearest Walmart?
Use a pop tab. Nail one side of the tab to the wall and use the other to hang your
12. Did your mom send you flowers on Valentine’s Day again? Trying to make
flowers last longer than 4 hours seems like a feat within itself. Now all you have
to do is use some leftover vodka (I know it’s hard to say goodbye) and a teaspoon
of sugar (also helps medicine go down). Add a few drops of this concoction and it
will help make cut flowers last longer.
13. If your toilet is starting to look like it belongs in a fraternity house, drop a couple
tablets of Alka-Seltzer in. Wait 20 minutes and the citric acid in these tablets will
dissolve the grime in the toilet.
14. Going to Vegas? If you go to the UA, someone is always in Vegas. While packing
your favorite new shoes and dress in the same bag, use a shower cap to keep them
a far distance away from each other. Putting your shoes in a shower cap will keep
the dirty soles from touching your newest Grand Central dress.
15. If you are anything like me, you think it’s essential to curl your hair at least one
night every weekend. If you are even more like me, this means you burn your
hand at least one night every weekend. Instead of whining about it the entire night
out, pour some mustard on the burn to suck the pain out of it. Sounds crazy, but it
sure does work.
16. Since mosquitos populate the school almost as much as the new Freshman class
every year, it is important to know what you can do to stop the itching. Keep
some scotch tape or nail polish with you to put on if you get bitten. Blocking
oxygen from getting into the bite will stop the itching.
17. Invite all your friends over for a wine and movie night, but forget you don’t
have a corkscrew? Happens more than you might think. Quick fix: a shoe. Place
the bottle in your shoe and hit it against a flat wall a few times. Eventually, the
cork will push itself out far enough for you to just pull it off. No corkscrew, no
And there you have it. Seventeen uses for things you never knew would come in handy!
Hope this saves you some cash and time because with the semester coming to an end,
that’s all we need.