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What Were We Thinking?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

Okay, here is the spiel of the week; Fashion trends.   Trends are interesting in that they can go from good to bad to worse in a blink of the eye.  For example, lets talk about Uggs.  This comfy yet unusual boot was quite a statement when it first came out, what with its puffy outer shell and fluffy guts.  If you had asked me eight years ago if I thought this trend would still be dominating nearly a decade into the future, I would have given you a big fat, “Are you kidding me? They are cave man boots”.  Now, my closet is full of them.
But not all trends are so lucky.  We have gone through some pretty gruesome ones.  Here are my favorites:
·      Fannie Packs-  I don’t know if this needs explaining, but there is a reason that pants don’t already come with a giant pocket covering the crotch.  It is not flattering and looks absolutely ridiculous.  Yes, it is- and it pains me to admit this- convenient.  But convenience is no reason to abandon all sense of style and strap one of these atrocious packs onto your hips.  Purses do the same thing and they come with much less of a chance that your going to get publically shunned.
·      The Popped Collar- If you are one of the lucky few whom don’t know what this is, the popped collar is the act of flipping up the collar on a polo shirt.  And actually wearing it like this. On purpose. This look is usually accompanied with a pink shirt and sunglasses on at night.  You can’t see me rolling my eyes right now, but I assure you if I rolled then any harder I would be staring at my brain.
·      Ponchos- A table cloth with a hole in it.  In what universe would this ever be a good idea?  And then designers like Burberry had to make it worse by accosting the fabric with flashy designs and colors and -ugh- fur trim.  I want to shout at everyone who walks by wearing one, “GIRL! You literally look like a lampshade, I don’t care if your cold, take it off!”
·      Jeggings- The unfortunate result of mixing jeans and leggings.  Cleverly named; Jeggings. A trend I never understood.  If you want to wear something on your legs that look like jeans, why don’t you just wear jeans?  This trend just allows people to think that its ok to wear leggings as pants. It is certainly not.
·      Crocs- They’re just bad.
And there you have it, folks.  Let’s try to keep history from repeating itself and send these trends back to the past where they belong.  Or in a trash can.  Whichever. 

My name is Jessica Cooper and in the Fall I will be a Senior at the University of Arizona. I am majoring in journalism with a dual minor in history and judaic studies. My focus is in both print and online journalism. I have loved being a part of the Her Campus team for the last semester and am so excited to be the campus correspondant for the 2011-2012 year.