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5 Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Perfect Little

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

If you’re having trouble thinking of gift ideas for the big reveal, look no further, because these five ideas will make your future little love you even more than she already does.

It is hard to fully understand the meaning of having a little, even after becoming one yourself, until you get the chance to put together your own big/little week.

The truth is, the idea and anticipation of having a little is basically equivalent to that intense fuzzy feeling that makes you want to squeeze your cat to death because you love it so much.

It is kind of like Christmas in sorority-heaven, and you are Santa, and the goddess of all things monogrammed. The only difference is there aren’t any elves to help you fulfill the wildest dreams of your little. Luckily, you have Hobby Lobby and the internet. If you are somewhat challenged in the arts (and crafts), no need to freak out! Here are some easy and fun ideas that won’t cost you a fortune but will still make your little squeal!


1. Spa in a Jar

This is a great and easy way to look like you are super crafty and fun with minimal effort! All you need are some fun pampering face masks, maybe some Chapstick or lotion, and a few other little items that a girl could always use. Tie a bow around it and call it fabulous.



2. Coffee Mug

…with a personal twist! You can basically go to any dollar store and buy a cheap, plain white coffee mug and a sharpie (if you don’t already own one), and doodle your way into your future little’s heart! You can write a cute quote, draw a quirky design or simply write something like, “My big loves me!” And if you are feeling extra generous, you can put a Starbucks gift card in there too!


3. Engraved Jewelry

Lavalieres, bar-shapes and necklaces that symbolize your sorority are always a great gift. They are relatively inexpensive, but receiving one will still make her feel special. It is something other than a t-shirt that she can carry around all day, and when people compliment her on it she can say, “Oh thanks, my awesome big got it for me!”



4. Bucket List in a Jar

Write little notes, adventures and hopes that you have for the future for you and your little. They can be serious, silly, they don’t even have to be humanly possible, but she will smile like an idiot while she reads them knowing that you want to spend time with her just as much as she wants to hang out with you.



5. Clever Candy Poster

Candy and a few good puns? It seems like this idea can’t fail (as long as you leave the candy in the wrapper and don’t eat it before putting it on the poster). Giving this to your little will satisfy her humor and her sweet tooth at the same time!



When in doubt, canvases and little notes will win her heart every time. But in the end, your future little already loves you unconditionally. Regardless of whether or not she knows you previously, or how many one-size-too-large t-shirts you give her, she knows that whoever you may be, you will love, cherish, and spoil her unconditionally too.
Jordan is an undergraduate at the University of Arkansas. She is a part of Alpha Omicron Pi, Schola Cantorum choral ensemble, and is majoring in English. Jordan is from Kansas City, Kansas, and loves to play the piano, sing, read and write!