“Have a crush at U of A? Not affiliated w/ University of Arkansas. ALWAYS ANONYMOUS but you never know who might see! Send your crush or s/o to our DM inbox or: ask.fm/uarkcrushes”
This is the text in the bio of @uArk_crushes, a Twitter account dedicated to posting anonymous messages sent from students. The account seems to have grown over night. Though the first tweet was posted only two weeks it, this live stream of crushes now boasts 3,313 followers. So what is the big deal about an anonymous Twitter account? The campus already has so many, what makes this one different?
UofA Crushes is the first Twitter account that allows students to admit their secret obsession with the hot guy in math class (who has no idea of their existence) or confess a love for a certain frat star they met at a party. These posts are unedited, proving some students could benefit from spell check, and are extremely entertaining. Seeing posts about people you know and trying to figure out who the anonymous crusher could be is how this Twitter account has pulled in so many followers in such a short period of time. The different types of tweets can be broken into three different categories.
First you have the “please think I am clever” tweets. These focus on word play, rhymes, and puns involving the “crush’s” name. The downside of these tweets is that most people aren’t as witty as they think. Many of these tweets fall short of clever and are just confusing.
The second category consists of the ever-so-popular “notice me” tweets. Typically, this type of tweet is for those crushing from afar. If you aren’t sure of the name of your crush or they are more into their truck than dating, these are the tweets for you. Be careful with the “notice me” tweets because they can come off a bit desperate and borderline creepy. The whole secret admirer act is a little too Shakespeare, and we all know how well that turned out for those crushers.
The final category is by far the most entertaining and revealing set of tweets. The “well this is awkward…” tweets are the definition of T.M.I. and contain things that REALLY should have been left unsaid. These posts range from wanting to lick whip cream off of your crush to wanting him to “play you like a piano.” Some are humorous, but most end up with the subject of the tweet replying, “Well this is awkward…” which is how the category got its name.
So tweet away ladies and reveal your secret crushes and awkward fantasies. No longer must we watch E! News and deal with the perfection that is Giuliana Rancic. The crush account is full of entertaining secrets. After all, what makes a better study break than reading up on the crushes of your fellow students?