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The Dating Game: Does Finding the Perfect Person Get Easier With Maturity?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

A few nights ago, my little brother (age 17) had some friends over and I heard one of the girls remark on how immature high school guys are.  I was just about to reassure her that guys mature in college, when I realized my experiences suggested otherwise.  The most common complaint I hear from my peers is that guys are too immature and we just have to wait for them to grow up.  I began to wonder:  If you’re a single college-aged female, will finding the perfect guy get easier with age and maturity? 

I was trying so desperately to figure out wether or not dating would get any easier as guys mature and decided to consult my friends.  I started to think, most of the things guys do that we think are immature are really just them having fun.  Isn’t that what we are all doing- just trying to have fun?  How can we expect guys to be perfect and meet everything on our “mature” checklist when we aren’t perfect either?

We get annoyed because he tries to wear a baseball cap everywhere, he wants to watch to game with the guys on Monday, he still talks about how hot Kate Upton is, or he forgets to text back because he’s playing video games.  Sure these things can be annoying, but we are failing to recognize something very important.  Maybe we are not as mature as we think we are.  We make guys sit through Nichols Sparks’ novels-turned-to-movies, still paint our nails with our friends, and have the ability to carry on in-depth conversations about 50 Shades of Grey for hours.  We are not the epitome of mature and we certainly aren’t perfect, yet we are frustrated because guys are never perfect or mature enough.  Maybe we need to cut the guys a little break.  Boys really will be boys, but girls will be girls.  The things we so often criticize guys for we do in our own way.  

In college, both sexes have a little bit of maturing to do, but in the end some things will never change and that’s perfectly fine.  No matter what, he will probably always want to watch ESPN and talk about how hot Kate Upton is. That’s fine because we will probably always crave a girls night and have a copy of 50 Shades of Grey stowed away somewhere.  We should not being waiting for guys to change; instead, we should start changing our outlook.  If we stop looking for the perfect person, someone who is “mature enough” for us, we can find the right person.  It isn’t about lowering expectations, it’s about accepting imperfection and a little immaturity.  It’s only once we have done this that we can hope to find less disappointment and a little bit more fun in dating. 

Photo Source:  www.sheknows.com


Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas. Currently, an English major at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Studying English literature and French, also working with creative writing.