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Finals Week Told By The Real Housewives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Finals week is starting to approach and we all know what that means: cue the mental breakdowns. Who better to show us how that looks than the Real Housewives?

What do you mean finals week is here?!

Guess we better start cramming.

But you haven’t been to class in like three weeks.

But we will just pretend that didn’t happen.

Then you remember that this final is the bane of your existence.This professor is holding your future in their hand. Then you skim your notes and realize you know NOTHING.

So you pour yourself a glass of wine and get to studying.

And by some miracle of God it all comes back to you.You walk in on test day, sit in front of the professor and take out the ole scantron…you’re focused.But half way through the test you realize you are screwed. After the test you ask your sister how she did on the test…”I think I aced it!” she exclaims.

Screw it, you’re done and heading home for Christmas. You will get em next semester, tiger. 

Friend. Sister. Hog fan. Writer.